
vicki robinson

  1. Sunshine on my shoulders

    Sunshine on my shoulders

    "Artful Memories Summer" Collection by Vicki Robinson Photo: Pixabay
  2. summer loving

    summer loving

  3. summer wind

    summer wind

  4. Story Life in confusion

    Story Life in confusion

    Created for Vicki Robinson's challenge. Photos and color of a lifetime. A very difficult performance for me because I have no family photos and the color of my life has been grey-blues. Using the collection "Artful Expression" Vol 2 - 4 - 6 by Vicki
  5. May-2023-vrobinson-challenge_Our-Story-The-Twins


    No story of my childhood exists without my identical twin sister, Darleen. The newspaper article reads: "Any resemblance between the two youngsters pictured above is not coincidental as Charlene Dale Ryan, left, and Darlene Gail Ryan are the twin daughters of of Mr. and Mrs. George Ryan, 56...
  6. Math Kid

    Math Kid

    Math was special and fun and I loved being able to spend time doing it. Having a wonderful teacher had a big effect too.
  7. 23-05_O_May-Challenge-#4---Color-Play


    May Challenge #4 - Color Play https://oscraps.com/community/threads/may-challenge-4-color-play.37528/#post-663667
  8. Always authentic

    Always authentic

    For the May Challenge #1 - Different Size I used "Unfinished Woman" Collection by Vicki Robinson Designs
  9. Find beauty everywhere

    Find beauty everywhere

    "Field Note" Collection by Vicki Robinson Photos: Pixabay
  10. 23-04_vrd-field-notes_2


    New Fabulous Color Play ❤ products are released on the last Friday of the month. Save 50% on individual packs for 4 days. Save even more when you buy the bundles.
  11. 23-04_vrd-field-notes


    New Fabulous Color Play ❤ products are released on the last Friday of the month. Save 50% on individual packs for 4 days. Save even more when you buy the bundles.
  12. look deep into nature

    look deep into nature

  13. nature


  14. What's not to understand there?

    What's not to understand there?

    04-2023 Vicki Robinson April Challenge
  15. VR-2023-04-Challenge-fin-Hiqual.jpg


    Photos are representing: 1. The last few years - trips cancelled due to Covid plus health issues within my family. 2. Last few months - working my way back to “normal.” 3. Where I need to be - “normal.”
  16. vrd-artful-expressions-04-double-lift-Kopie.jpg


    using arful expressions-04 by Vicki Robinson Designs photos my own inspired by the 2 photos and the butterflies
  17. Adjust that crown and carry on

    Adjust that crown and carry on

    For Vicki Robinson April Challenge I used April 2023 Challenge Freebie and "Artful Expressions 04" Collection by Vicki Robinson Designs
  18. 23-04_Vicki-Robinson-April-Challenge


    Vicki Robinson April Challenge https://oscraps.com/community/threads/04-2023-vicki-robinson-april-challenge.37454/
  19. Renew my spirit

    Renew my spirit

    "Time to Renew" Collection by Vicki Robinson Photo: Pixabay
  20. The Love of His Life

    The Love of His Life

    Today my parents would have been married for 69 years - mom has been gone since 2015. She was a paraplegic as the result of a car accident and also had accident-related memory loss. One of the ”exercises" my Dad had her do was to write down various memories - that's her handwritten notes of how...