While cleaning and rearranging my Mom's workroom to make it my own, I found these prints - 2 nearly complete sets of them. The one at top left hung in my bedroom and is the one I can't find to make the second set, but these will joing my diamond paiting pieces and Celtic art in the hallway. I...
I have both a sister and sister-in-law in chemo for breast cancer. My sister is completing the last round next month but has opted for the mastectomy as well as a precaution so that will be coming in the future. She and I are so much alike it's not funny, even though we are not blood sisters...
Color Crush 68 by Joyful Heart Designs is new in the store! This collection includes "Stamps and Stuff" which includes large brushes, some elements and tags. The word art I used is now included.
Joyful Heart Designs has a gorgeous new collection, Happy Grunge Bundle, in the store. This bundle includes the always wonderful papers, plus elements, brushes and alpha!
I used two of the papers from the bundle, and put a torn paper on top of the first layer, for lots of texture. I layered...
Created for the July Artist Inspiration Challenge.
I don't actually have any special breakdown for this page. I loved the background paper so much that I didn't need to blend any other papers with it. So basically it was just resizing elements and adding shadows this time.
Papillons backgroundpaper by Joyful Heart Designs
Overlays by Natali design : dreams , seasons change, simply
52 inspirations 2023 no 10 Captured Beauty add on by Emeto Designs
52 inspirations 2023 no 5 words of advice scrapbook titles by Lynne Anzelc Designs
Picture by me
Thanks for looking
For the word "kiss" in the title, I clipped a white paper with pink paint from ConnectionKeeping to the letters and set the blend mode to Darker Color.
For the frame, I added a blank layer above the photo, clicked on the thumbnail of the photo and then added a stroke to the blank layers which...
Joyful Heart Designs has a new collection, Reverie, in the Oscraps store. This collection is beautiful and includes gorgeous patterned papers and elements.
I wanted to scrap some old photos which I never used before. I have a lot photos of Ollie but my dark house didn't (and my noisy camera) didn't leave room for awesome photos.
With the ghelp of Camera Raw it a dark moderate phot became a cute photo.
Ollie didn't want to be photographed and...
The alpha and the stroke I used for the frame are the only things used on the page other than the solids in the paper pack.
The background consists of three solid papers. The bottom paper is the darkest blue paper. The middle layer is a medium green-blue paper with a blend mode of overlay. The...
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