
challenge #1

  1. anna-aspnes-digital-art-artplay-palette-magoa-nadams-broken heart.jpg

    anna-aspnes-digital-art-artplay-palette-magoa-nadams-broken heart.jpg

    Broken Heart Moody photo altered in Prism for Challenge #1 Artist Inspiration.
  2. Biltmore-Mansion


    This was made for Challenge 1: Artist Inspiration
  3. london


  4. Challenge #1 Aritists Inspiration.jpg

    Challenge #1 Aritists Inspiration.jpg

    I hope this is correct in expectations for the challenge. The sketch of the women spoke to me on so many levels.
  5. 23-01_O_January-Challenge-#1-Color-palette


    January Challenge #1 - Color palette https://oscraps.com/community/threads/january-challenge-1-color-palette.36842/#post-651573
  6. chall #1 - Color palette

    chall #1 - Color palette

    Join me for the color palette challenge https://oscraps.com/community/threads/january-challenge-1-color-palette.36842/
  7. Challenge #1 january 2023

    Challenge #1 january 2023

    Balance “Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.”
  8. Color palette Challenge #1.jpg

    Color palette Challenge #1.jpg

    A fun challenge to try. I did some blending of the papers used and color tweaking to match the palette. Shabby Solids is used as a base then a paper from Beginning was blended into it then cut to a rectangle. I used a paint blob as a mask for the photo. Elements from all three kits were used.
  9. Day 1 - Scraplift Challenge.jpg

    Day 1 - Scraplift Challenge.jpg

    Scraplifting Jam-on-toast - I choose this one and did this one
  10. This Is Home

    This Is Home

  11. Yesterday


    Realized with : "Artful Memories YESTERDAY" by mad:Vicki Robinson to participate at the CHALL # 1 BIG PHOTO_NOV22 Photo Pexels
  12. Wolf had fun in the snow

    Wolf had fun in the snow

    Made for the Big Photo Challenge. I found this photo when i searched a EHD. It was photo made in the evening so very blue and dark. I used the standard editing tools but I was not really satisfied, Then I opened Camera Raw...what an amazing result.
  13. 2022-11-15-new-beginnings.jpg


    Almost spring by Vicki Robinson https://www.oscraps.com/shop/digital-scrapbooking-kit-almost-spring-vicki-robinson-designs.html font: american typewriter condensed bold
  14. Challenge #1 - november 2022

    Challenge #1 - november 2022

    "One large photo" When I was gowing through my recent pictures, I immediately thought of the words "golden autumn" when seeing this picture. It doesn't need much, so I kept it as simple as possible, so I also removed 90% of the items of the template I used.
  15. quiet time

    quiet time

    November Challenge #1 - Big Photo I took this photo very early in the morning today. The moon was so bright that no lighting was necessary.
  16. 22-11_O_November-Challenge-#1---Big-Photo


    November Challenge #1 - Big Photo https://oscraps.com/community/threads/november-challenge-1-big-photo.36505/#post-644707
  17. let it be

    let it be

  18. Bunny


    For the big photo challenge #1 I used the fabulous Morning Light Digital Scrapbooking Kit by Lynn Grieveson Photo from Unsplash
  19. This is Me

    This is Me

    I blended my photo with a background paper using the Layer --> Blending options --> and then used the bottom slider.
  20. 22-10_O_October-Challenge-#1---Sketch-Template


    October Challenge #1 - Sketch Template https://oscraps.com/community/threads/october-challenge-1-sketch-template.36131/