
art journaling

  1. My Daddy and Me

    My Daddy and Me

    For the Art Journal Challenge for June
  2. My dreams and hopes

    My dreams and hopes

    My son turned 15 last month but this is NOT the layout to celebrate the occasion. This one is for me only - all the things he doesn't want to hear, all the tenderness he doesn't want to deal with, and all the beauty he refuses to see. There will be a masculine page at some point, but for now -...
  3. Bigger Dreams

    Bigger Dreams

    Some kits are made for art journaling... and this is one of them...
  4. Mothers are Amazing

    Mothers are Amazing

    For Challenge #3 for May - Collaborations
  5. Were did I come from?

    Were did I come from?

    Belgium, a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. It is the land of my ancestors and the place where my family is originally from. I feel proud to say that I carry a part of this unique culture in my genes.
  6. ck-zipper-templates-02-psd-01-600.jpg


    Connection Keeping Mom's Mental Health Art Journaling Connection Keeping's Zipper Template 02
  7. smell the flowers

    smell the flowers

    "Take time to smell the flowers" reminds us not to let life go by too quickly without noticing the small moments of beauty and joy that surround us. It is an invitation to live in the moment and enjoy the simple things in life, even when we feel caught in the daily rush and stress.
  8. Steam Punk Gal

    Steam Punk Gal

    for Rachel Jefferies Mixed Media Challenge
  9. Intuition


    JOURNALING (Dutch) reads: I have always believed in intuition. There is something magical about the feeling that comes deep inside, without being able to put words to it. And when I met you, I felt it right away. I knew you were "the one" for me.Some people call it love at first sight, but for...
  10. Looking at the bright side

    Looking at the bright side

    JOURNALING (dutch) reads: Sometimes it's hard to stay positive when it seems like life keeps getting you down. But at such times, I always think of the deeper meaning of the words, "You can't have a rainbow without a little rain." It reminds me that there is beauty to be found in the rain, even...
  11. March Art journaling Challenge #2

    March Art journaling Challenge #2

  12. March art journal challenge #3

    March art journal challenge #3

  13. Challenge 3 - Daddy and Me

    Challenge 3 - Daddy and Me

    for challenge 3 - Recipe Challenge
  14. Thoughts...


    This is a thoughtless layout... I was not creating anything, just playing around with the elements and listening to my audio book... while thinking about a situation I didn't know what to do about... in the end, I wasn't sure what was happening in the story I wasn't really following, nor did I...
  15. February Art Journaling Challenge #2

    February Art Journaling Challenge #2

    I love the color purple, and the mood board for this challenge reminded me of sleepless nights, something I experience way too often.
  16. My Choice

    My Choice

    Reflecting on my decision to move cities
  17. Just say no

    Just say no

    Important to do this more often the older you get, I feel :-)
  18. I Am Piecing This Together

    I Am Piecing This Together

    For Rachel Jefferies Mixed Media Challenges for January!
  19. 23-01_O_RJefferies-Mixed-Media-Challenge


    Rachel Jefferies January 2023 Mixed Media Challenge https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2023-01-rachel-jefferies-january-2023-mixed-media-challenge.36898/
  20. Challenge #1 january 2023

    Challenge #1 january 2023

    Balance “Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.”