
anna aspnes

  1. Cows


    ArtPlay Urbicolous Collection (on sale for a limited time) ArtPlay Palette Urbicolous (solid paper 3) City WordArt Cluster No 1 (cluster 5) Signage No 1 (element 9) Barns and Sheds No 1 (element 6) ScriptTease Fall Overlays No 1 (overlay 2) (check out special deal: Autumn Value Pack No 1) Scenic...
  2. Pear Orchard

    Pear Orchard

    ArtPlay Notabilia Collection (on sale for a limited time as a collection) ArtPlay Palette Notabilia (brush 13, button dk blue, solid paper 1, butterfly, frame) Notabilia WordART Mix No 1 (wordart 9, word transfer 3) Artsy Stains No 7 (stain 3) Paper Textures No 18 (texture 2) Scenic Layered...
  3. AnnaColorLiftSept8.jpg


    AASPN_ArtPlayPalette Bravura AASPN_BeadedThreadz3_2 AASPN_ScriptTease_Nature1_4,5
  4. 23-09_annacolor challenge

    23-09_annacolor challenge

    AnnaColor Challenge 08.25.2023 - 09.07.2023 https://oscraps.com/community/threads/annacolor-challenge-08-25-2023-09-07-2023.38230/
  5. 23-09_AnnaLIFT


    AnnaLift Challenge 08.25.23 - 09.08.23 https://oscraps.com/community/threads/annalift-challenge-08-25-23-09-08-23.38233/#post-675967
  6. Delicious Autumn

    Delicious Autumn

    Autumn Value Pack No 1 (on sale for a limited time, with a great bonus offer): ArtPlay Palette Ablaze (solid papers 1 & 2, stitching Autumn WordART No 2 (wordart 7) – no longer available outside of value pack special Fall Frame Transfers No 2 (transfer 6) - no longer available outside of value...
  7. Exploring The Big City

    Exploring The Big City

    When I bought Anna's newest collection, I thought "This will be great to mix with Rachel's Riding The Rails .... and then Rachel's Mixed Media challenge for this month was a Designer Mash Up. Perfect!
  8. Fall into Autumn

    Fall into Autumn

    for the September Challenge #6 Photo by Pixabay
  9. Anniversary-page-1.jpg


    The first of a two pager, this took me a long time to get done, so will get the second page done another day. A very special anniversary for my in-laws celebrating 70 years of marriage, not many couples can say that! Anna's ArtPlay Palette Reverie and ArtsyTransfers Reverie were perfect for...
  10. Fishing


    Rubber duck image from LobitoArtFactory-Etsy.ca-Rubber Duck (10) ArtPlay Urbicolous Collection (new release, on sale for a limited time) Urbicolous Artsy Layered Template City WordART Cluster No 1 (cluster 3) ArtPlay Palette Vagary (fishing pole) ArtPlay Palette Heartland (button green dot)...
  11. Irish Stud Farm 2023 Colt

    Irish Stud Farm 2023 Colt

    ArtPlay Studious Collection (on sale for a limited time as a collection) ArtPlay Palette Studious (artsy paper 2, transfer 3) ArtPlay Palette Vagary (LW Play Outside, string rope) – also on sale as a collection for a limited time ArtPlay Vagary Collection Multi Media School No 1 (element 2)...
  12. 23-08_AnnaColor-challenge


    AnnaColor Challenge 08.11.2023 - 08.24.2023 https://oscraps.com/community/threads/annacolor-challenge-08-11-2023-08-24-2023.38159/#post-673620
  13. 23-08_O_August-Challenge-#7---MultiPhoto


    August Challenge #7 - MultiPhoto https://oscraps.com/community/threads/august-challenge-7-multiphoto.38040/
  14. 23-08_AnnaCOLOR


    AnnaColor Challenge 07.28.2023 - 08.10.2023 https://oscraps.com/community/threads/annacolor-challenge-07-28-2023-08-10-2023.38088/
  15. Juvenile House Sparrow Feeding

    Juvenile House Sparrow Feeding

    We have been spending a lot of time on our deck watching the birds. This year, we have the honour of seeing the babies. . . cardinals, robins, house sparrows, blue jays - interacting with their siblings and navigating how to eat. Ths is a juvenile house sparrow that has the hardest time...
  16. Canvasback Duck

    Canvasback Duck

    **Used ideas from Creative Artistry with ToolSets from the Anna Aspnes Store https://annaaspnesdesigns.com/product/creative-artistry-with-toolsets/ ArtPlay Elysium Collection (on sale for a limited time as a collection) ArtPlay Palette Elysium (artsy paper 4, brush 6, button, LW full of life...
  17. Jordan Station Ship

    Jordan Station Ship

    **Used ideas from Creative Artistry with ToolSets from the Anna Aspnes Store https://annaaspnesdesigns.com/product/creative-artistry-with-toolsets/ ArtPlay Eudaimonia Collection (new release on sale as a collection for a limited time) ArtPlay Palette Eudaimonia (brushes 3&6, solid paper1...
  18. Juvenile Robin

    Juvenile Robin

    **Used ideas from Creative Artistry with ToolSets from the Anna Aspnes Store https://annaaspnesdesigns.com/product/creative-artistry-with-toolsets/ ArtPlay Eudaimonia Collection (new release on sale as a collection for a limited time) ArtPlay Palette Eudaimonia (brushes 15, 18 & 19, artsy paper...
  19. Birds! Birds! Birds!

    Birds! Birds! Birds!

    **Used ideas from Creative Artistry with ToolSets from the Anna Aspnes Store https://annaaspnesdesigns.com/product/creative-artistry-with-toolsets/ Great Outdoors Value Pack No 1 (available as part of a value pack for a limited time when you purchase For the Boys Value Pack No 1) ArtPlay...
  20. Stravage


    Realized for AnnaColor Challenge, using "mini palette Stravage" by Anna Aspnes and "52 inspirations 2021" (LorieDavison-idgie-Simplette-VivaAtistry-VickiStegall).