

  1. Edison, say cheese!

    Edison, say cheese!

    Edison gave his mommy a look that said, "enough pictures." She told him, "Edison, say cheese!" He then rolled his eyes to the side and gave her that cheeky grin. That boy is hilarious. She is reaping what she sowed when she was a little girl. haha I love that boy! (18 months old)
  2. Edison - 18 months

    Edison - 18 months

    My little grandson, Edison, taking his mama and daddy on another adventure. :)
  3. Mom's Apple Cake Recipe

    Mom's Apple Cake Recipe

    I love when I come across treasures from Mom, like her Apple Cake Recipe, in her own writing, on an original & well-worn paper. I miss her so! Use It All - July Challenge #4 Mini created by Ona, using Vicki Stegall Design https://oscraps.com/community/threads/july-challenge-4-use-it-all.33883/
  4. Orange so vibrant

    Orange so vibrant

    July Challenge #2 - Color Palette https://oscraps.com/community/threads/july-challenge-2-color-palette.33886/ Photo by Joe Dudeck/Unsplash
  5. Folio ~ booklet & tags

    Folio ~ booklet & tags

    Small Folio
  6. Light from within

    Light from within

  7. Setting sail and freeing the soul

    Setting sail and freeing the soul

    I miss living in Florida where I could jump on the sailboat, let the wind blow & sun shine on my face. It was relaxing and invigorating, all at the same time. Freeing to the soul.
  8. Beach Boy

    Beach Boy

    My cute grandson, Edison, and his mommie, St. Petersburg, Florida 2020
  9. Family walk

    Family walk

    This is from my Edison's, 18 month photo shoot.
  10. Don't Confuse...

    Don't Confuse...

    June Challenge - Word Art
  11. Softness is . . .

    Softness is . . .

    Fonts used: Journaling - Birch Std; Title - Lettuce & ClementePDaa
  12. Future Reporter

    Future Reporter

    May Challenge #6 - Tic Tac Toe https://oscraps.com/community/threads/may-challenge-6-tic-tac-toe.33662/#post-595010 Used bottom row across Photo courtesy of Thao le Hoang/Unsplash
  13. Challenge #3

    Challenge #3

  14. Journal pieces

    Journal pieces

    A couple of pieces that go in a journal I'm working on.
  15. Spring brings beautiful things

    Spring brings beautiful things

    My beautiful daughter, Amy, and I went to The Biltmore together, during Spring, and almost froze to death. :) But, the outdoor beauty was worth the wind freeze.
  16. Bookmark


    My bookmark.
  17. Birthday Avatar

    Birthday Avatar

    Featuring Oscraps Good Times Collab. https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Good-Times-An-Oscraps-Collaboration.html
  18. Hope


    Hope . . . More Love ~ Less Fear
  19. My 2021 Word of the Year

    My 2021 Word of the Year

    My word for 2021, hopefully will remind me that through rough times, that's when we can begin to shine and become strong!
  20. Grand View Point

    Grand View Point

    With a few looks along the way as the sun rose through thick haze, we headed for Grand View Point in Canyonlands NP. We hadn't gone on such a long hike in years, but enjoyed every bit of it and got all the way to the highest point before turning around when back pain set in.