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  1. AZK

    New Year's Celebrations

    It's almost time to ring in 2025! Is anyone planning anything fun to celebrate? I was planning on going to my daughter's house on New Year's Day, but I came down with a cold last night so I'm reserving my decision whether to go or not until tomorrow. Having said that, I haven't gone out for...
  2. AZK


    WINNERS ANNOUNCED! Thank you to everyone who participated, and congrats to the Grand Prize winners and runners up! The Show Me Game has its own winners, and they are: - Winner 1 - $10 to Simplette Scrap : zotova - Winner 2 - $5 to ADB Designs : Erin2 - Winner 3 - $5 to Lorie Davison ...
  3. AZK

    It's time for the Olympics!

    They start later this week, in Paris! As someone who is not athletically inclined, I really admire the talent and commitment the athletes display. I don't watch a lot of TV but during the Olympics, I tend to have it on all the time in the background. Has anyone ever gone to the Olympics?
  4. AZK

    It's National Doughnut Day!

    NATIONAL DOUGHNUT DAY HISTORY The Salvation Army created National Doughnut Day in 1938 to honor the women who served doughnuts to soldiers in World War I. This day began as a fundraiser for Chicago’s Salvation Army. The goal of their 1938 fundraiser was to help the needy during the Great...
  5. AZK


    WINNERS ANNOUNCED! Congratulations to the following participants: - Winner 1 - $10 coupon for Magical Reality Designs: isDK - Winner 2 - $5 coupon for CRK Designs: Dady - Winner 3 - $5 coupon for Lorie Davison: JoanK Watch your inboxes for your coupon codes! Hi everyone! I hope you...
  6. AZK

    Have You Ever Seen a Corpse Flower?

    Or smelled one? I haven't, but there's a lot of chatter in the local media about a privately owned plant that is flowering right now. It's owned by a couple that live about an hour from where I live: In a nutshell, the plant only flowers about every 7 years and only for 1-3 days. It gets its...
  7. AZK

    What was your favorite childhood book?

    I spent a good part of my childhood reading, so I have lots of favorites. This one stands out because 1) I read it over and over and OVER 2) my parents bought it for me at a school book sale in 1967-they were very frugal, so it was a special gift, and 3) I still have this book! Another...
  8. AZK

    Happy Leap Day!

    February 29, which only comes around every 4 years! A fun fact is that people born on Feb 29th are called "leapers" or "leaplings". It's always interesting to hear stories of people who have birthdays or other special events on this day. Unfortunately, I don't personally know anyone who has a...
  9. AZK

    First Jobs

    This week is my last at one of my part-time jobs; I'm being temporarily laid off. I'm not devastated; I have other sources of income and I'm looking forward to a little more free time. Thinking ahead, though, I'm wondering what sort of other employment I might look at if I don't get called back...
  10. AZK

    How do you read your books?

    The discussion in the other thread about good books to read got me thinking---are you one of those people who have several books going at once? Not me! If I read a book, or more accurately, a book series that captures my imagination, I read that book/series to the exclusion of other books and...
  11. AZK

    Tandem Bicycles

    The other day I was driving home and I saw a couple riding a tandem bicycle. Boy, did that bring up memories! When I was a child, my older sisters would take my younger sister and I to a recreation area where you could rent bikes. We would always get the tandem ones, so that an older sister was...
  12. AZK

    OCTOBER 2023 - Standing O's

    Have you seen a layout in the gallery that makes you go "wow!" ... if so, we want to know about it. Share it with us here and link us up so we can all say "wow!" together!! It's not just the Cheery O's that can showcase pages here, anyone can post! So if you see something you think is worth...
  13. AZK

    It's National Coffee Day!

    Are you a coffee drinker? If so, how do you like it prepared? I like hot coffee with a flavored creamer. I used to drink iced coffee many years ago, but got out of the habit. I almost never buy ready-made coffee unless I'm at a restaurant having breakfast. No Starbucks for me!
  14. AZK

    What's the last photo you took?

    Today is World Photography Day! I love taking photos, although I only have my cell phone camera and am far from skilled. Here's a picture I took the other day of one of the new babies my spider plant is producing. It still needs to be edited, but I like it: Can I see your most recent photo...
  15. AZK

    It's International Cat Day!

    I am currently cat-less, but have had cats most of my adult life. Working at a veterinary hospital I have also been around a lot of cats (and I have the scars to prove it!). Here is a photo of a clinic cat named Munchkin, that I took at work one day, being a typical cat: Here's his better...
  16. AZK

    JULY 2023 - STANDING O's

    Have you seen a layout in the gallery that makes you go "wow!" ... if so, we want to know about it. Share it with us here and link us up so we can all say "wow!" together!! It's not just the Cheery O's that can showcase pages here, anyone can post! So if you see something you think is worth...
  17. AZK

    What do you fall asleep to?

    The recent discussion about headphones reminded me of a time in my life when I was listening to cassette tapes of positive affirmations as I fell asleep. I used headphones so as not to bother my husband, or my kids if we were camping or in a hotel. Aside from that, I have fallen asleep to music...
  18. AZK

    Podcast Recommendations?

    So, I am finally jumping on the podcast wagon. In the past, when I had a 35-40 minute commute to work 4-5 days a week, my choice was to listen to audiobooks in the car. In the last few years I had a 5-minute commute which didn't lend itself well to a book, and now that I work from home, I'm not...
  19. AZK

    Today is International Creativity and Innovation Day!

    According to CalendarLabs, "The International Creativity and Innovation Day, also known as World Creativity and Innovation Day, is observed on April 21st every year. This day was established to celebrate creativity, new ideas, and the individuals behind these innovations." So happy to be part...
  20. AZK

    National Puppy Day

    ...is today! I thought it would be fun to spread some cheer by sharing photos of puppies, with/without humans, in a layout or not! I thought I would start by sharing this photo of one of my best friends with her newest puppy, taken in December: