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  1. bcgal00

    January Challenge #4 - Recipe

    All members that participate, can everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you! :) Happy New Year to you all! I'm Rae and will be hosting the recipe challenge this month. For this challenge I want to see a layout...
  2. bcgal00

    *WINNERS ANNOUNCED* DAY 5 - Gallery Love | GAME

    Thank you for playing along with the Gallery Love Game. The winners are: 1st place - char8182 2nd place - angelatoucan 3rd place - bellbird Please check your message box for your winning coupon. I hope you all had fun and I enjoyed seeing the gallery hopping with all the gorgeous...
  3. bcgal00

    August Challenge #2 - Mood Board

    All members that participate, can everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you! :) Hi, I'm Rae and I'm hosting the mood board challenge this month. At first glance, the colorful blocks look very similar but look...
  4. bcgal00

    May Color Play is here now!

    It's the last Friday of May and it's time for the May Color Play to arrive in the STORE so you can shop! The coordinating products our designs create never fail to amaze me! The colors are fabulous, go see for yourselves. Upload your layouts to the Oscraps gallery, then into the Color Play...
  5. bcgal00

    June Challenge #6 - Journaling

    All members that participate, can everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you! :) I am your host, Rae...welcome to the June Journaling Challenge! Some of you might find that the words flow and others, like myself...
  6. bcgal00

    How do you view kit folder?

    I have used acdsee for a long time but recently it has gotten corrupted and they can't figure out how to get it working again on my windows computer so... When I viewed kit folders in the acdsee program, the kit preview would be visible so I could get an idea of the kit contents and colors...
  7. bcgal00

    May Amazon First Reads

    Do you get the Amazon Prime First Reads selection each month? I picked my free book out this morning. In A Dark Mirror I love mystery/suspense/thrillers so I think I'll like this one. It was a toss up with this and Lake Country.
  8. bcgal00

    *** WINNER ANNOUNCED***Vicki Stegall Designs (Momma O's) April 2024 Challenge

    THE WINNER OF THIS MONTHS MOMMA O'S CHALLENGE IS ... MYLA CONGRATULATIONS! :waving1 Hello and welcome to Vicki's April Challenge! :welcome3: I'm Rae and I'll be your host this month. A well known quote "April showers bring May flowers" came to mind for the theme this month which is...
  9. bcgal00

    March Challenge #7 - Multi Photo

    All members that participate, can everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you! :) Welcome to Challenge #7 for March, I'm Rae and I'll be hosting this fun challenge. Soon here we will be changing our clocks...
  10. bcgal00

    January Challenge #3 - Through The Lens

    All members that participate, can everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you! Hi everyone, welcome to a new year of challenges here at Oscraps. This month I am hosting the THROUGH THE LENS Challenge. This is an...
  11. bcgal00

    Color Play July 2023 - Come and Share Your Layouts!

    It's the end of the month and the July Color Play products are in the store! There are a lots of blue/green tones with rich, warm, earthy colors. Two of my favorite colors are included in the color palette this month - orange and purple! You can see the entire July Color Play Collection in the...
  12. bcgal00

    July Challenge #7 - Word Art

    All members that participate, everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you! Welcome to the July Word Art challenge that I am hosting. Oscraps has provided a wonderful word art that you will use in your layout...
  13. bcgal00

    PS Crashing

    PS stopped letting me import images 4 days ago. I have been periodically able to get an image opened to scrap by uninstalling/installing PS, resetting preferences but then it starts happening again. I have been troubleshooting all the things I've found by googling but nothing solves it. Today...
  14. bcgal00

    ***WINNERS ANNOUNCED***Day 5 June 14 - Birthday Spelling Layout | CHALLENGE

    Hello, welcome to Day 5 of our 17th Birthday celebration at Oscraps! I'm Rae and I'll be hosting a Birthday Spelling Layout Challenge ***AND THE WINNERS ARE*** Bagheertje AlyciaIN tanteva Congrats, ladies - private message has been sent For this challenge, you will need to create a layout...
  15. bcgal00

    April - Challenge #2 - Double Scraplift

    All members that participate, can everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you! :) Hi, I'm Rae (bcgal00) and I'm hosting Challenge #2 which is a double scraplift challenge. I love to scraplift and what makes it...
  16. bcgal00

    March Challenge #3 - Recipe

    All members that participate, can everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you! :) Hi, I'm Rae and this month I am hosting Challenge #3 which is a recipe challenge. There are 5 recipe steps to follow. Your page...
  17. bcgal00

    ***WINNER ANNOUNCED*** Vicki Stegall Designs (Momma O's) FEBRUARY 2023 Challenge

    THE WINNER OF THIS MONTH MOMMA O'S CHALLENGE IS... CHAR8182 CONGRATULATIONS!! Hi everyone, I'm Rae and I'm hosting the February Momma O Challenge. February is a month that, to me, signifies the switch into "REAL LIFE". January is recovery from the holidays, maybe you worked hard at a new...
  18. bcgal00

    ***WINNER ANNOUNCED*** Vicki Stegall Designs (Momma O's) August Challenge

    THE WINNER OF THIS MONTH VICKI STEGALL DESIGNS CHALLENGE IS ...PIA/PIPPIN. CONGRATULATIONS!! Hi, I'm Rae and I'm hosting this challenge for Vicki. I love to peruse the internet, finding random facts about things and came across this meaning of "august". When we describe something as august...
  19. bcgal00

    Thx wonderful O family

    It made me cry :) but I rec'd the gift box yesterday (while the realtor was here so I had to step out of the room for a few minutes). Your thoughtfulness and kindness really touches my heart. It was a bright spot in a difficult time. Things are going at warp speed, we are making all the...
  20. bcgal00

    Play along with Winter Photo/LO prompts

    Here are some ideas for photo/layout prompts. Hope this gives you some inspiration for winter/holiday season. If you use any of these prompts, share your LO here, I'd love to see your page. 1. What do you see out the window. 2. Something red. 3. Book/movie. 4. Food or drinks. 5. Comfort...