Coolidge Dam.
Almost all the photos taken on the entire three month trip were only of family, with the exception of the dam.
"The Coolidge Dam has just been finished and was dedicated Mar 4, 1930 by Calvin Coolidge. It is 920 feet long counting 2 spillways 250 ft high from bed rock, and has a...
Prepping the photos for this page was a nightmare. The original pictures used on pages 22 and 23 were so yellowed and faded they were almost invisible. I scanned at various resolutions, and used PSE, Topaz, and MyHeritage, trying color and b/w to try and improve them. I've used MyHeritage...
Double page spread continued from page 20 - through Texas.
"...50 miles of dirt roads with dips every little ways...saw lots of cactus along the road today. The country was very flat and desolate until we reached Kent, Tex. And after that it was mountainous but without trees...after leaving the...
Double page spread - continuing west through Texas.
"The Red River is indeed well named for it is like brick dust. The Brazos R. is also very red. In Fort Worth there were roses in bloom on the south side of the houses. We went by large patches of prickly pear cactus. Some of the leaves were as...
This is a beautiful page! Awesome capture of the woodpeckers. Our Gila Woodpeckers are too skittish for me to capture a photo yet. They are little thieves and get into the Hummingbird feeder for a drink. They peek around the house pillar first to see if anyone is going to catch them.
Entered Oklahoma - oil wells and red soil. Had a flat tire (I think this is number 7 so far).
"...There was a toll bridge over the Canadian River and we had to pay 25¢ to cross it..."
Thank you for looking.
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