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  1. scrap-genie

    ABC of Gratitude

    X - Xavier, the dental technician who seats my crowns.
  2. scrap-genie

    Daily Ooos: Thursday, August 29

    @faerywings I'm with Tracy on polish. No to the blue, but pink sounds good. And @AK_Tracy the 4:30 wake up can't be a requirement for me as I've only been asleep a SHORT time by then. (Need a night owl emoji here!)
  3. scrap-genie

    August Art Journaling Challenge ~ Week 4

    I can always talk about the need for wild places.
  4. Wild Places

    Wild Places

    This is the boardwalk and marsh at an urban nature center where one can find space, quiet, and wildlife. I've divided the photo to illustrate that even when feeling fragmented, it can all come together.
  5. scrap-genie

    Comment by 'scrap-genie' in media 'Hello Life'

    Sorry you're under the weather but the LO is lovely and so are your socks.
  6. scrap-genie

    Comment by 'scrap-genie' in media '2024Mar14-8mon-pg2-web.jpg'

    What a nice LO! Does this mean he has Northern Shoveler on his life list now? :giggle4:
  7. scrap-genie

    The Birds Will Sing :-)

    Your daughter's drawing is stellar! Not just the bird but all the motion and design. Wow. :lovey3:
  8. scrap-genie

    Do you have an all time favorite movie?

    I haven't watched that many of his movies but like to watch him a lot. We were fans of the "El Mariachi" movies so went to see Once Upon a Time in Mexico where Depp's character stole the show. That wasn't until 2003, but that's when I first knew about him. I've always said Captain Jack Sparrow...
  9. scrap-genie

    August Art Journaling Challenge Week 3 - Serenity

    I journaled about my feelings when reading this week's words. Added the Dylan Thomas quote as it occurred to me it fit my thoughts. It's the first three lines of the poem, the first line being the title. Sorry to by so out of sync with the ideas here.
  10. Not Serenity

    Not Serenity

    My response to words like serenity and detachment are probably off target a bit, but this is my reaction including the Dylan Thomas quote.
  11. scrap-genie

    Do you have an all time favorite movie?

    I don't know if I've seen any of the ones mentioned so far. But off the top of my head, two all time favorites were Juliet of the Spirits (Fellini's first color movie) and The Great Escape. Since those are from the 1960s, you can see where I'm coming from.
  12. scrap-genie

    August Challenge #2 - Mood Board

    5. word summer, 7. black lines, 11. blocks of title, 9. bright colors, 1. sun Worked really well for the new red car.
  13. New Red Car

    New Red Car

    5. word summer, 7. black lines, 11. blocks of title, 9. bright colors, 1. sun The mood board was a fun way to scrap our new car! I did blend two papers for the background.
  14. scrap-genie

    Everything Everywhere All at Once: A Movie Rec

    Somehow we missed the boat. I got it from the library and we watched it last night. We were so riveted that each of us fell asleep at some point. :sleeping: Alas, everyone can't enjoy the same thing. Maybe it helps to have a daughter? Or maybe we were in a different part of the multiverse...
  15. scrap-genie

    Your 1st Gallery Upload

    Yikes, this is back in October 2010.
  16. scrap-genie

    August Challenge #1 - One Word

    So lovely to scrap about summer!
  17. Summer in Bloom

    Summer in Bloom

    The marsh at the nature center is filled with this hibiscus, swamp rose mallow, in both pink and white. It is lush and beautiful and a big change since they removed invasive plants. We stopped by while driving our new car and found this beautiful summer display and hummingbirds too.
  18. scrap-genie

    Daily Ooos: Monday, August 12

    My mother got her first car at age 49. It was only partly red - but flashy all the same.
  19. scrap-genie

    Daily Ooos: Monday, August 12

    The "mayhem" crew is the best. :claphands: But maybe the ketchup got carried away as this is our brand-new car as of this afternoon. We've long had red cars, but this one is really bright.
  20. scrap-genie

    Daily Ooos: August 10-11: Weekend Edition

    But it would really be FEWER patients!!! (Pet peeve over less when fewer is meant-a lost cause) not less patience. :hiding2: @AK_Tracy @Cherylndesigns And it felt like Sunday here too.