
Search results

  1. Blue Eyes

    Blue Eyes

    Merkeley Designs: Making Memories kit PhotoHolders - Bone Picture It Chipalicious Alpha Extras: stitching is from Leiko Beck Designs - Frivolity
  2. jendavey

    Please welcome our Guest Cheeryo's!!!

    Merkee did you see how many of YOUR girls made it :D Must be because we have an awesome designer to create for!! ;)
  3. jendavey

    Please welcome our Guest Cheeryo's!!!

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited that everyone got a spot!!! THAT is the reason we all LOVE the O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  4. Sweet


    Fresh n Fancy - Collab kit by Tracie Stroud and LCC by Amy Stoffel
  5. My Boy

    My Boy

    My Bubba - LCC by Amy Stoffel
  6. Bubba Prince

    Bubba Prince

    My Bubba - LCC by Amy Stoffel
  7. jendavey

    Comment by 'jendavey' in media 'this family thankful - taylorMade designs spotlight - challenge2'

    This is so beautiful!! Love the GREEN Bg!!!
  8. jendavey

    Comment by 'jendavey' in media 'TaylorMade Challenge-Part 2'

    This is so awesome!!! LOVE your journaling!!!!!!!
  9. jendavey

    Comment by 'jendavey' in media 'wonderful world'

    OMG!!!! TOO cute ;) I am so going to have to get this kit!!!!
  10. jendavey

    Comment by 'jendavey' in media 'TaylorMade Challenge-Part 1'

    Very cool extraction!!! Great job ;)
  11. jendavey

    Comment by 'jendavey' in media 'page_2_800x600_1'

    Another adorable LO!!! Great job ;)
  12. jendavey

    Comment by 'jendavey' in media 'page_3_800x600_2'

    OMG this is adorable!!! Love your clustering!!!
  13. jendavey

    April's fool ?

    That is so awesome that someone else has an anniversary today!! Ok, so here's the story...I'll try to be brief ;) Jeff and I found out that we were expecting before we were able to lead a normal life and get married first LOL...and being catholic were could not live together and not be...
  14. jendavey

    Cheery O Guest Call

    Good luck everyone...all the LOs RAWKED!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. jendavey

    April's fool ?

    That is such a great tradition!!! In the mid-west most people just try to play jokes on each other...haven't had one yet today though ;) And...it's my 5 year annivesary today (there is a long story behind why it's today...) Happy April 1st EVERYONE!!
  16. jendavey

    anyone around???

    Our little chat was TONS of fun last night...thanks for starting it Sally!!
  17. jendavey

    Kitty,Bisontine,Camila,HGD,Kasia, FaithTrue,Silversword71 - WORLD of WONDER

    OMG...this is the most beautiful kit EVER!!! And a wonderful cause ladies!!! Thanks for helping raise awareness!!!!!!!!!! Might have to sneak this one on the credit card LOL ;)