
April's fool ?


back hOme and loving it
Hey there, what traditions do you have on april 1rst ? :)

In france we have what we call april fish ... we play practical jokes on people and then tell them "April's fish" (Poisson d'avril) :D

example, my elder DD told me "I have a very bad trimester evaluation" ... and when she saw my panicked face she burst out laughing and said "poisson d'avril" ! how fun, right ? !!! :shock: :lol: :lol:

other example, my younger DD came in the kitchen this morning and told me
"have you seen my cute fish mom ?"
"how cute my darling"
"look !" (click on the image to see what happened next ;) )

:shock: :shock: :shock:

kids also draw and cut paper fishes and try to go unnoticed when sticking them behind people's backs ... and laugh out loud when you go around the house with e fish behind your back ... ;)

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
That's so funny. I've managed to keep the whole April's Fool thing from my kids so far! My poor father has his birthday today and has spent 71 years being ribbed for it!


Well-Known Member
That's so funny! YOU are funny!!!
Today is also my DH birthday...poor guy!:p

Hey there, what traditions do you have on april 1rst ? :)

In france we have what we call april fish ... we play practical jokes on people and then tell them "April's fish" (Poisson d'avril) :D

example, my elder DD told me "I have a very bad trimester evaluation" ... and when she saw my panicked face she burst out laughing and said "poisson d'avril" ! how fun, right ? !!! :shock: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
That is such a great tradition!!! In the mid-west most people just try to play jokes on each other...haven't had one yet today though ;)

And...it's my 5 year annivesary today (there is a long story behind why it's today...)

Happy April 1st EVERYONE!!


Well-Known Member
My kids always try and pull some kind of prank on April Fools. My daughter almost always says mom, there is a spider on your back. lol It hasn't worked the last two years.

Jenny, Happy Anniversary!!!! You can't leave us hanging and will have to share some of your story sometime. :)


...loves her some "O"
my husband went out of our room this morning and his son told him, "Dad, I've decided NOT to go to regionals this weekend!" and mr gorgeous said, " WHAT??????"
and Quentin said, "APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!"

I'm sending out my christmas cards today...not a tradition, but a great way to get them out since I didn't make the time in December...hopefully my friends and family will have a smile on their faces when they open them!! LOL!!!


Well-Known Member

Today is my wedding anniversary !!! Can you believe I get married on April's fool day !

This was the only date available in the place we choose and we though it would be funny. So we choose it !

But there where people asking if we are really getting married or if it was a joke :D


Well-Known Member
I love the fish. What a great tradition.

Normally I play great April Fools tricks on my kids but they are all grown and in very serious meetings around the US today. I think they would kill me if I tried anything. - LOL! Hmmmm, but there's still tonight! ;-)


Well-Known Member
Marie - That is way toooo cute!!! Love it :)

We do the jokes here too :) I am still waiting for my hubby to get me ;)

Jen and Lia - Wow two anniversaries!!!!!!!!! Happy Anniversary to both of you - hope you enjoy your special day :)


always chatty at the O!!
Today Mother Nature is playing a joke on us and it is snowing. Aaaaaah!! Fortunately it isn't cold enough to stick but still.


Well-Known Member
That is so awesome that someone else has an anniversary today!!

Ok, so here's the story...I'll try to be brief ;)

Jeff and I found out that we were expecting before we were able to lead a normal life and get married first LOL...and being catholic were could not live together and not be married. So we had to get married fast. I was so upset because I didn't want to be prego and in a wedding dress so we decided to get married and only tell our parents and our bestman and maid of honor. So we had a private little ceremony with just our priest and the bestman and maid of honor. Since it was so close to April 1st (and it was a Thursday it top it off) I told Jeff lets do it that day knowing that we would keep it a secret.

Then 7 months later we had a huge catholic wedding...the whole nine yards (dresses, flowers, cake, etc.) We even had six other people stand up with us this time. It was so funny when the priest said "I am so happy eveyone has come today to celebrate Jeff and Jenny re-newing their vowes" because no one knew we were already married. If I could have turned around and seen everyone's faces it would have been priceless :)

So it's funny to us that it was our own little April Fools that everyone found out about 7 months later.

Plus since we kinda have two anniversarys (April 1st and Nov 13th) I get to celebrate twice ;)

Told you it was a long story!!


Well-Known Member

Good to know that we have the same anniversay wedding date. I think it's a lucky day !!!

There's a lot of versions about Aprol's Fool day, and I really like this one that says April 1 used to be the New Year's Day... I guess you can consider it as a new beggining in our lifes !

The version:
"Ancient cultures, including those as varied as the Romans and the Hindus, celebrated New Year's Day on or around April 1. It closely follows the vernal equinox (March 20th or March 21st.) In medieval times, much of Europe celebrated March 25, the Feast of Annunciation, as the beginning of the new year.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calendar) to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year's Day to be celebrated Jan. 1. That year, France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year's day to Jan. 1. According to a popular explanation, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1. Other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on "fool's errands" or trying to trick them into believing something false. Eventually, the practice spread throughout Europe."


Well-Known Member
Bwahaha, that fish picture is so funny, dumpty!!
I have a funny one...

A couple of years ago, on april fools my sister (emma) and I decided we would play a trick on my brother. so we proceeded to tape yarn all over his closet door like a 'spider's web'. Then I went into the closet and threw a sheet over my body. Well, supposedly, emma was going to bring quentin (my brother) up, make him close his eyes, lead him through the 'web', then close the door and i would scare him. WELL first problem... emma ducked under the web, and since she was still holding quentin's hand he ducked too! and he opened his eyes! so when they made it inside, and i started gong 'ooo wooo' in my best ghost impression he wasn't scared at all... but Emma was!! She ran out screaming, meanwhile Q and I were laughing our heads off!! We still try that trick every year, but it never works anymore!! haha!! :)


always chatty at the O!!
Jen - I have 2 anniversaries too, but for a different reason. My dh and I had to get married so that I could apply for my visa and live in Italy with him. So we got married in the courthouse (on the same day as Madonna married Guy Ritchie) and then had a wedding the following September. So...December 22 and September 8.