
Recent content by Callfamilycircus

  1. Callfamilycircus

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday October 26

    Good morning! I just realized I have been away for months! I haven't done any scrapbooking since February! I have been learning photography. I am even taking classes at my local college! I have just turned in my application for a trade name so I can officially start my business. Here is my...
  2. Callfamilycircus

    Comment by 'Callfamilycircus' in media 'Armada'

    journaling reads: For my 30th birthday I was finally able to get a vehicle I really wanted. No more minivans! This is the white beast that will pull my horse trailer, provide tons of spacious room to keep the kids from injuring one another, and it won't bottom out over low curbs! This truly was...
  3. Armada


    Kitty designs: every day, thy nature kitty and vera lim: magical moments
  4. Callfamilycircus

    Daily Ooo's: Friday June 3

    Morning. Not a very good one today :( I have come down with a head cold. Yuck. But what's worse is my 11 yr old has an ear infection. He was up for 2 hours last night crying. I just hate that. So we both have doc appointments today. Me because I have been feeling dizzy and nauseous midday for...
  5. Callfamilycircus

    Comment by 'Callfamilycircus' in media 'Having Fun!'

    Love how you used the butterflies as frames!
  6. Photo Shoot

    Photo Shoot

    Dana's Footprint Designs: Morning Bloom http://www.digiridooscraps.com/shop/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=40
  7. My Garden

    My Garden

    Dana's Footprint Designs: Morning Bloom http://www.digiridooscraps.com/shop/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=40
  8. Trains


    Dana's Footprint Designs: All Aboard http://www.digiridooscraps.com/shop/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=40
  9. All Aboard

    All Aboard

    Dana's Footprint Designs: All Aboard http://www.digiridooscraps.com/shop/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=40
  10. Callfamilycircus

    Comment by 'Callfamilycircus' in media 'Sweet Memory'

    Just beautiful! Added to my favorites!
  11. Callfamilycircus

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday June1

    Good morning. New challenges yay!!! I will definitely be doing a few this month. Especially since I'm hitting them early! We've come into a bit of a pickle. We have a family reunion down at the beach next week. We had a house-sitter lined up, but haven't been able to get a hold of him for...
  12. Slip-n-slide


    Dana's Footprint designs: Summer Sherbert http://www.digiridooscraps.com/shop/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=40
  13. Callfamilycircus

    Daily Ooo's Monday May 30th- Memorial Day in the states

    Good morning. Been a while again. It's been a busy weekend here of lots of yard work. It looks so nice now! We had a ton of neighbor kids over all day yesterday and got out the new slip-n-slide which immediately ripped, so we made due with our huge tarp and dish soap! I took tons of fun...