
Tough Guy

Tough Guy

It is certainly interesting using different filters on my robin photo.
-background (blended with next), mask as frame, flower: Blue by Courtney's Designs
-paper (blended with above), heart, dots: Oscraps Collab Good Times
-word art: 52 Inspirations {2018} no. 3 by Vicki Stegall
-green scatter: Happy Easter, Pack Elements 1 by Florju Designs

font: Memorandum
This came out beautiful Jean... Once upon a time Paintshop Pro was comparable to PS... I even had a copy of it, but decided to focus on learning one program at a time.. But I do know there were many cool things that could be done in Paintshop that could not be done in PS...
Wow! Gorgeous page! Love the photo treatment and masking!
Standing O...
Congrats on the Standing O-- what a fantastic page-- love the filters and masking- gives the impression of this guy out in the trees and mud
Yep...this guy means business! Love the photo treatment and the wonderful grunginess surrounding him. Congrats on well-deserved Standing O.
Congrats! Love the filters you used in Paintshop. I didn't know what the equivalent to cutout would be, so I used Toonify in the PhotoDonut plugin.
WTG Jean on the standing O! So fun to use different filters! We have many robins here and it is interesting to watch them fend off other males that try to invade their space!
Fabulous job with the filters Jean and great work with working out the equivalent in PSP. It has been years since I have looked at that program so couldn't even suggest anything. :) I love the photo that you used for this filter, he sure does look like a tough guy and I think the filters emphasize that perfectly! Fantastic page!

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