

The Unrelenting Sea

  • Media owner Joansmor
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Scenic Layered Template Album No. 3 Anna Aspnes Designs | Digital Scrapbook Designer:Oscraps

MultiMedia Documents No. 7 Anna Aspnes Designs | Digital Scrapbook Designer:Oscraps

ArtPlay Palette Patience Anna Aspnes Designs | Digital Scrapbook Designer:Oscraps

Inspiration –Sometimes you just want your photos to carry the load and there is nothing like a Scenic Template to do that. They have large masks for your photos. I loved the photo I had taken of Camp Ellis where the sea is trying to take over the area. Man builds rock walls and the ocean keeps coming.
Template – Opened Template 3A
Photo –I attached the photo the large mask and used Layer>Create clipping mask
Transfer – Placed Artsy Transfer 3 on the right hand edge but turned off most of the layers leaving mostly the flower. Then added Artsy Transfer 5 under the photo, but I rearrange the layers to create something to contain my photo. Then I added a picture of the rock wall to the frame mask and duplicated to add to the other frame mask. Also using Layer>Create clipping mask on both
Element – The paper flower I moved to besides the framed pictures and on the other side I put Multimedia Document 7a.2 on the other side.
Words- I typed the words The Unrelenting Sea for my title
Journal – Added a poem for journaling.
KISS – Let the photo do the heavy lifting.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. AFT Designs
You are SO right about the scenic templates carrying the photo load. You used it fabulously here!

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Anna Aspnes
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Image metadata

the unrelenting sea_scenic_Joan Robillard 600.jpg
File size
144 KB
Date taken
Sat, 10 April 2021 8:00 AM
600px x 600px

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