The minute I saw Anna's new collection I knew what I wanted to do with it - a page about my Great Aunt 'B'. I remembered that my Mum had given me an old notebook belonging to "B' when she was in training as a cook during the war; only problem was that I had no idea where it was. I have spent all the last week searching through all my 'safe' places for the notebook! Today I finally found it so the recipe you see for tea scones for 100 men is the real deal lol! I now need to do more research into this Great Aunt as I realise that apart from a vague recollection of her being a cook, I have very little information.
I started with one of the Artsy paper as a foundation then layered extra transfers on top. The figure was placed on top Overlay mode then I repeated the face choosing darken mode then erased part of the face with a soft brush and set the fill to 59%. Added the recipe and part of the front of the notebook both color burn. Lastly the MM embellishments and word art.