


I'm amazed at how much this old typewriter weighs! It sure was my friend for a long time so someday I may get it spruced up and type something. But probably not.
What a lovely story! Truly a blast from the past.... how the life has changed... Love the nostalgic vibe on your page! I definitely would get the typewriter working - just to feel young again... If you have a photo of you from your college days - the then-and-after page would be total must-do!
I love old typewriters, you can see mine in the inspiration board.
These days it is easier with computers but that does not give the same nostalgic feel, does it? Love your layout and how you used the board. thanks for playing the challenge!
You are right Jean, these typewriters are very heavy, and you have made a beautiful design with the lace.
Wonderful page! I love old typewriters, too. And you are so right! They are heavy! And after typing on computer keys, it wears me out to use a regular typewriter.....even an electric one!
Ah man, that is SO cool that you still have the typewriter!! You COULD get it cleaned up and working again so you could type out and scan journaling for your layouts to give them that "authentic typewriter" feel :heartpumpred: I am saving this layout for tomorrow night's newsletter :heartpumplove: Edited to add that I JUST now read Vicki's challenge intro, and that is what SHE has done!! LOL Sorry, I still think it is a good idea!! Now you know that two people like it! :rotfl:
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