

Challenge #4: One Way

  • Media owner isDK
  • Date added
On Labor Day we met no cars in the drive to the refuge, and of course we had it to ourselves once again. Our happy place. The reeds were too tall to see most of the ducks, and we had to wait for the sun when it went behind a cloud the width of my finger, less than 15 minutes.
Credits list
Anna Aspnes: Paper(winter), StitchedTemplateAlbum, brushes
ET Designs: Take me to the sea
joyfulheartdesign: tag, card, button
MdGroot: Brocante, Quirkiosa, Steam Machines, Sugar Skulls
RachelJefferies: tag
Zebra by Silvia Romeo
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. et designs
  3. Joyful Heart Designs
  4. Maya de Groot
  5. Rachel Jefferies
I love the part about having the place to yourselves. What a wonderful day and beautiful landscape photo. Love the wild and spooky design.
I love how you surrounded the gorgeous photo (great colours) with the black&white papers/elements. gives is a spooky effect. perfect use of the moodboard, thanks for playing the challenge!
What a beautiful photo of the sun behind the clouds. Love the zebra with the bird on its back! Another great spread!

Layout information

Challenge 4
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Member Galleries, Maya de Groot, Anna Aspnes, Joyful Heart Designs, et designs, Rachel Jefferies,

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File size
869.6 KB
1224px x 778px

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