

Hello spring

  • Media owner zwyck
  • Date added
Process: I started with an artsy paper from ArtPlay Palette Lush and placed a transfer from ArtsyTransfers Anything. I added my photo (used the app Arto) above and clipped it to a fotoblendz from WaterColor FotoBlendz No 3. I duplicated the photo and then used the High Pass filter and changed the blending mode to Overlay. The photo got also an adjustment layer for Hue/Saturation. Another transfer from ArtsyTransfers Anything was then placed above. Then I added a transfer from ArtPlay Palette Lush and an overlay from ArtPlay Palette Anything along the right side. The watering can comes from ArtPlay Palette Anything. This was duplicated and the copy set to blending mode Overlay. Then I placed an artsy paper from ArtPlay Palette Lush on the top of all these layers with the blending mode set to Color Burn and the opacity at 22%. The stamp from ArtPlay Palette Spring Due was duplicated and the copy set to blending mode Color Burn. I added an overlay from Flower Overlays No. 2 and a branch from MultiMedia Branches No 3 was placed to the left side. A pink stain from ArtsyTransfers Anything was recolored into green and set to blending mode Multiply. I finished the layout with the title from Spring WordART No 1 and sprinklez from MagicSprinklez No. 8.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
214 KB
1000px x 1000px

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