

Dashing through the Snow_Scenic_Joan Robillard 600.jpg

  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration – The light snowstorm that left the world covered in just a bit of white. I took lots of pictures as I drove to work and hoped I would find some time to scrap one or two of them.
Start- Scenic Template 6-13
Photo- attached photo to mask layer of the template using Layer>Create Clipping Mask
Transfer – I created a mask by painting on a separate layer and then I attached Sky Transfer 1 to it. I then used the eraser tool to remove the mask where it went over the tree branches.
Paper – I took Solid Paper 4 from APP Chill above the background layer
Elements – (Okay I wanted a car for this but don’t seem to have a car element) So I settled for Skiing Santa, which I added a drop shadow to.
Words – I used the word art Dashing through the snow with a Fotoglow behind it for my title and then typed a quick sentence about what I was doing.
That’s it because I often say I like doing pages where my photos are the star and the art is secondary. I tried adding more art but it didn’t work for me. I did use art to make the sky more interesting and Skiing Santa added a little whimsey.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Wow
Reactions: bcazzell
Excellent! I love the addition of the sky transfers - so pretty! The skiing santa is fun! You had more snow than we did...and ours was gone soon after it fell.

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Anna Aspnes
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Dashing through the Snow_Scenic_Joan Robillard 600.jpg
File size
161.8 KB
Date taken
Sat, 12 March 2022 10:39 AM
600px x 600px

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