

Dame Troubles

Whatever Adryane creates always fascinates me and I wanted to try out her ArtPlay Un3dited LIVE layout she demonstrated. Using the mask brushes Anna created just for that purpose and the two photos I wanted to use, I started out not knowing what it was going to become. I didnt even know if it was going to grow up and be a real layout at all. I was going to let the composite tell me what it wanted to be. The moodiness told me it wanted to be Film Noir, one of my favorite movie genres. The photo of Jean Harlow isnt my favorite choice for the layout, but not finding what I really wanted in a decent size, I went with it. I got it from Pinterest.

ArtPlay Palette PierianArtPlayPalettePierian
ArtPlay Palette Tres BonArtPlayPaletteTresBon
ArtPlay Palette PortiereArtPlayPalettePortiere
Artsy Transfers MiniGelidArtsyTransfersMiniGleid
Spackle Textured No. 6ApackleTexturedNo.6
Take Flight No. 2TakeFlightNo.2
DifferentStrokes No. 11DifferentStrokesNo.11
WarmGlows No. 1WarmGlowsNo.1
CoolGlows No. No. 1CoolGlowsNo.1
FotoGlow Mix No. 1FotoGlowMixNo.1
UrbanThreadz No. 8UrbanThreadzNo.8
UrbanThreadz No. 11UrbanThreadzNo.11
UrbanThreadz No. 4UrbanThreadzNo.4
UrbanThreadz No. 12UrbanThreadzNo.12
UrbanThreadz No. 13UrbanThreadzNo.13
ArtPlay Palette Bask (Jewel)ArtPlaypaletteBask
Photos: BarnImages, MorgueFile and Pinterest
Font: Wild Spirit
Terrific result, Barbara! Love the drama of it all and the great color. Thanks so much for giving the technique a go :-)

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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