
No Fear

No Fear

For Amanda's Challenge, I've been wanting to do a page with this theme for a while and this challenge really help me put the idea to paper.


Kalin you have no fear and sometimes that really scares your mommy. Maybe it is because I am an ER nurse and see the worst of the worst and at times it can be hard to seporate what I see and my own family. You will climb anything, go up to anyone, attempt to put everything in your mouth, run without looking and just about every other thing a toddler does. It is innocent play for you and a world of fear for me. I want to protect you and keep you safe from harm and at the same time give you the chance to explore your independance. I worry when I leave you with baby sitters and sometimes every your daddy. I never considered myself an anxious person until you came into my life. I cant imagine this world or my life without you in it. So I am sorry if I scold you for when you dont understand why. I will say NO often to teach you to listen to me even when it seems silly to you. I will run to you if you fall or are hurting because it is torture for me to see you in even a small amount of pain. I wish that I could feel it all in your place. I pray every day that God will protect and keep watch care over you. I pray also that God would teach me to help you understand the dangers in this world without breaking your sweet, spunky spirit. You are a precious gift to me and I will guard you with all of my strength and life. I love you!


Taylor Make Designs Template

Papers and Flowers From Bohemian Bazzar by Sweet Genevieve
oh my gosh, can all mothers relate to this or what?!? i say so often that i wish i could just wrap my kids in bubble wrap so i could relax. this was written so beautifully and communicates your love to her sooooo well. AWESOME page!!!! and THANKS! for jumping in!!!
oh Jos...I know this feeling so well! You did a great job of explaining it and I can only imagine that someday when Kalin has children of her own, she'll understand exactly how her mommy felt! Great job.
Love the flower border you added. And keep it cool with her, she's only a child discovering world ;)

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