
Looking Back So I Can Look Forward {Renew}

Looking Back So I Can Look Forward {Renew}

The Week 3 Art Journaling Challenge has been posted. Our word for May is RENEW. This might seem like a strange layout for the word, but I have to look back before I can look forward. It was interesting how this page evolved. I used a dark and ominous background from Stormy Skies by mixed media by erin, then pretty much covered it up with my blending and elements. Tomorrow will be the 4th anniversary of my husband's passing (the 22nd). I'm making progress in my journey of being without him after 44 years. Thanks again for all of the love and support I've gotten from my O family.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Karen Schulz Designs
  2. mixed media by Erin >>
  3. Palvinka
I love how all of the photos and elements make this more of a happy reflection than sad, yet it feels symbolic that it is underneath all of it however
I love how all of the photos and elements make this more of a happy reflection than sad, yet it feels symbolic that it is underneath all of it however
Oh how you "get me", Chris. I put that big image of me with a slight smile and wanted it to look like I was looking back with happy thoughts. I think I can move forward now with my AJ. Maybe not next week, but soon. Thanks for seeing my vision. Yes, I'm still sad, but I'm having more better days now than bad and it feels good. :heartpumpred::beatingheart:
Fantastic tribute page! Love this beautiful collection of pictures. Your journey to find a new normal will take baby steps. Some of those steps will be backward steps, but you’ll get there.
This is so beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Its so moving. I do see you looking back at Chuck and all the wonderful memories. Your journal/quotes are so perfect. Beautiful moving layout. :heartpumppink: The word strips say it all. Big emotions.
Fantastic tribute page! Love this beautiful collection of pictures. Your journey to find a new normal will take baby steps. Some of those steps will be backward steps, but you’ll get there.
Thank you Bitzee. I know it's not going to be a straight road, because each day is different. Thank you so much for your sweet words.
This is so beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Its so moving. I do see you looking back at Chuck and all the wonderful memories. Your journal/quotes are so perfect. Beautiful moving layout. :heartpumppink: The word strips say it all. Big emotions.
Thank you so much, Tracy. There ARE big emotions. I appreciate all of the support of my O family so much. I can't believe it's been 4 months already.

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aj-week-3 Looking Back So I Can Look Forward (Renew).jpg
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143.2 KB
600px x 600px

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