
My Mom had this picture of me with my friend Lori when we graduated from Brownies. I look at this picture now and wonder why I thought I was the fattest kid in the world, and why I got teased so much for being fat. Yeah, I had a few pounds on me, but I wasn't obese in any way. This got me thinking about my self concept...and I feel a few art journal pages coming about it.

I mixed these two Pages:

I used the blended photo in the middle and the cluster on the side from this one:

I used the flower cluster from this one:
Credits list
Laitha Art Studio | Blessing Collection
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Laitha
  • Wow
Reactions: lacy
What a sweet memory. I was never in Brownies but my girls were. Love the big cluster!
Oh, I haven't seen a Brownie uniform in ages. How I wish I had one of me. What a marvelous keepsake. Lovely design.
What a lovely photo Susie of you and your friend and such a wonderful page to honor the friendship you both shared. Fabulous cluster work and love the overall design of your page as well. You certainly were not fat though! ♥

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800px x 800px

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