ArtPlay Summer’s End Collection (on sale as a collection for a limited time)
ArtPlay Palette Summer’s End (solid papers 2, 3 & 4, brushes 12, 13, 14, 15, button cream, button green, key, transfers 1, 5 & 8, dried grass)
ArtPlay Palette Sayonara (heart paper painted pink, bird pink)
Artist Edge Overlays No 9 (overlay 1)
Magical Reality Artistic Impressions 1 (artistic mask 5)
Used 3 solid papers for my base and added blend modes
Positioned transfers across my page
Placed artistic mask as my focal image and duplicated
Added a bevel and emboss effect to the duplicate layer
Placed brushes, wordart and elements
Applied colour lookup table
Created a merged layer (minus wordart copies and overlay)
Applied a watercolour filter to the merged copy
Due to the watercolour filter, some parts of my image were much too dark. I used a layer mask to lighten the wc effect
Added the wordart and overlay