


  • Media owner dwsewbiz
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The weekend with Oz, no parents!, was better than we anticipated.
Made with the classic Euphoria Collection.
The Framed Masks are excellent for a "multi-photo" approach, since they are blendy, but also defined. I filled a couple of the framed with black and darkened a couple others for more boldness to match the photos.
Then for variety, I used the straight frames from the Artsy Layered Template.
MultiMedia Spring flowers used to fill in the background.
Elements recolored and placed in a visual triangle. Color management was pretty tricky here - so many colors, and I didn't want to desaturate any more photos - so stick to the principles and balance and add color buddies.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: lacy
Superb spread! So glad you had a great sleepover, I'm sure it will be the first of many. It's a funny thing but the grandkids are always great when they stay with us, it drives my daughter mad when Felix plays them up but sleeps all night no problem when he's here - thank goodness they keep the shenanigans for the parents, I'm too old not to sleep Lol!
Superb spread! So glad you had a great sleepover, I'm sure it will be the first of many. It's a funny thing but the grandkids are always great when they stay with us, it drives my daughter mad when Felix plays them up but sleeps all night no problem when he's here - thank goodness they keep the shenanigans for the parents, I'm too old not to sleep Lol!
So funny! Yup, they no sooner got back and Oz was once again waking up an calling for mommy in the middle of the night. Maybe they know it's not an option :-)
You're right about the blendy masked frames--you put them to excellent use here. We've also been pretty lucky with sleepovers with the two older grands, although I tend to get trapped down the "one more story" rabbit hole. But they go back home and POW it's a challenge for the parents. I don't remember sleep issues with any of my three, but it seems a common occurrence with children today.
Fun sleep over! Did you get any sleep? I was once woken up at 4 am with a request to go to Dunkin Donuts NOW because he was hungry! We waited until 11.
Fun sleep over! Did you get any sleep? I was once woken up at 4 am with a request to go to Dunkin Donuts NOW because he was hungry! We waited until 11.
We did sleep! We have a baby monitor/camera that runs all night, so we would hear him if he woke, but he didn't!

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Anna Aspnes
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204.7 KB
1000px x 618px

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