

Al Lorenz Park

Credits list
(On sale for 1 week from August 24-30)
AnnaRelease 27 September 2019
Artplay Palette Hinge (paper, overlay, buttons, label words, lace, twig, leaf)
Artsy Transfers Hinge
MultiMedia Leaves 8
Autumn WordART Mix 5
Hinge FotoBlendz

MultiMedia Magic Sprinklez 1
Urban Threadz 27
Paper Textures 16
Thin Strips Masks 2
Naked Tape It 2

A solid paper from APP Hinge was used as the foundation of the page. The photo was clipped to a resized (larger) fotoblendz mask. The photo was duplicated 2 more times with the blending modes changed to color burn and hard light. The lace was also clipped to the photo to add more texture. Artsy transfer Hinge_2 was added. A paper texture was added. A thin mask strip, rotated was added to the bottom of the page. Solid paper 5 from the kit was clipped to the mask. The page was completed by adding dimensional embellishments, word art and an overlay from the kit.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
A beautiful view and I love how your wordart pays tribute to late August, your paper textures and the lace creates almost a halftone effect. :)
This is just so lovely. I have a picture similar to this but couldn't make it work, so I'll try some of your tricks. Love that lace clipped to the photo, and everything else of course.
Fabulous blending! I love that you've accentuated the vertical lines in your layout by adding vertical embelishments to the trees!
Feels so light and lacy and fresh, love the textures! Yes to the vertical embellishments!
I am loving the depth and dimension in your art. Also the cool texture that gives the trees a lightness affect.
An outstanding layout!! love the blending and your title work, perfect! Congrats on the Standing O!

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Anna Aspnes
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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407.5 KB
800px x 800px

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