
Seriously [Not]
Created For The Vicki Robinson Art Journaling Challenge : With Story Starter Prompt : Dare : For August 2022

Another Wonderful! Challenge Vicki!!!...Art Journaling however you want to express it...[to me]...means personal,passion,real...So sometimes even if you don't want to type out your feelings you can always use Amazing! WA/Quotes to get the same idea across...In this instance I guess I'm trying to say something...In a bit of a humorous,sarcastic...[totally my middle name!!!...] but real kinda way...This layout is so me...My husband burst out laughing! upon reading the WA...OMG!...he said this is just so YOU!!!...Ha! Ha! Ha! LOL!!!...This Art Expressions 05 Collection by Vicki Ronbinson...just speaks to me...I could create layouts all day with it...but I wouldn't get anything else done...LOL!!!...I also used the equally inspirational!!!...Art Expression Collections 03 & 04 as well...to complete my layout...Thanks! Vicki for another Great! Challenge...Great! Collections!!! & Story Starter WA Inspiration!!!...chock full of inspiration!!!...As always...xx Rhonda..
Credits list
Artful Expressions 03 : Artful Expressions 04 : Artful Expressions 05 : Collections By Vicki Robinson

Additional Credits : Photo Courtesy Of : Andrey Zvyagintsev : Unsplash [Reworked by me]
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Vicki Robinson Designs
Oh my gosh you are so talented, every page design from you i am in WOW !!!!
I don't know how you always manage to create such complex layouts, but they're always wonderful. Congrats on your Standing O and your GSO!
I don't know how you always manage to create such complex layouts, but they're always wonderful. Congrats on your Standing O and your GSO!
@AZK You are So SWEET! & KIND!!!...Thank You! very much!!!...#kiss♥♥♥ ...
Your pages are always such an explosion of creativity! You knock my socks off! Thank you so much for the kind words! You made my day. No you made my week! No, wait! You made my MONTH! BIG hug from me!
Your pages are always such an explosion of creativity! You knock my socks off! Thank you so much for the kind words! You made my day. No you made my week! No, wait! You made my MONTH! BIG hug from me!
@Vicki Robinson OMG!!!...VICKI!!!!!!!!!!!...♥♥♥...YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... #clap #kiss3...xx Rhonda...

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Vicki Robinson Designs
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OS-VR-Aug 2022-Art Journaling Challenge-Seriously [Not]3.jpg
File size
288.5 KB
Date taken
Wed, 10 August 2022 6:04 PM
600px x 600px

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