

Silly Goose - APP Luster

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
More like Lusting Goose. This goose walked around our 1966 Chevelle for at least an hour, seemingly infatuated with it. Then we realized he was merely lonely, the only goose in the park. So he strutted and squawked his best stuff till he got bored.
Credits list
ArtPlay Palette Luster (paper, elements, Artsy Layered Template, Artsy Transfer)
Luster FotoBlends No. 1
Shine WordART Mix No. 1
MultiMedia Branches No. 12
Art Strokes Mix No. 1 on sale now for limited time, part of APP Plage add-on bundle
Artsy Transfers Remembrancer
MultiMedia Birds No. 1

Place Luster Solid Paper 4 on new 12x12 document. Place Artsy Layered Template 278 (Luster) psd file layers, recolor/reposition as needed and reposition and rotate 2 small frames (conveniently hiding an ugly trash can), clip photos to masks. Place Luster FotoBlendz 1-5 psd layer file, clip large photo to fotoblendz layer, adjust hue of other layers. Place Luster elements (red leaf, stitched banner/shadow and Line Word Brilliant). Clip Artsy Transfer Luster No. 5 to stitched banner, blend mode Linear Burn and place googly eyes (public domain) on top of that. Place Shine WordART Mix No. 1-9 Shine Brightly with white stroke. Add text box, add MultiMedia Birds 1-3B pink glow under text box, blend mode Overlay, 64% opacity. Place MultiMedia Branches 12-1A green glow under text at bottom, blend mode Overlay, 77% opacity. Add ArtStroke Mix No. 1-16 and 1-18.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: Marleen and ksacry
Terrific car! Poor goose. Maybe he was admiring his reflection in the shiny paint :-) Love the eye brads!
Striking page - he certainly looks to be impressed with the car! Love the placement of the red!!
I love the bright red that pop up on this page, geese are cheeky animals but beautiful, a great story, gorgeous!!
What a story! Love the photos/framing. Those googly eyes are perfect! Nice red visual triangle!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
288.4 KB
600px x 600px

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