

Worth the wait

  • Media owner zwyck
  • Date added
My son had to wait six months to see his girlfriend again in August 2020 because of the pandemic. But once the plane landed, it had been worth all the waiting and longing.
Credits list
ArtPlay Patience Collection

Process I started with three solid papers from ArtPlay Palette Patience which I blended together with different blending modes and opacities. I placed three fotoblendz from Patience Fotoblendz No 1 and clipped the photo to these. I added a brush from the APP and recolored it into white and placed it behind the airplane for an upcoming sunrise. Then I moved one of the three fotoblendz, from behind to over the left side of the photo, duplicated it and the blending mode was set to Hard Light. I added one more fotoblendz from Patience Fotoblendz No 1 to make a sky behind the airplane. I duplicated it and flipped it to get the variation. I placed a piece pf paper from MultiMedia Documents No. 7 set to blending mode Lighten to the right side of the airplane to get a feeling of a cloud bank. Then I placed the envelope from MultiMedia Documents No. 7 over the bottom of the photo, with the blending mode Multiply. Then I placed two transfers from ArtPlay Palette Patience to the left side and one to the right side of the layout. I added the word on the string and the wordart from Patience WordART Mix No. 1 and a recolored brush into white and placed it under the wordart. I finished the layout withe heart from MultiMedia Documents No. 7.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love the photo of the plane with the blending the colours the word beads the colours and the word title.x
what a beautiful story - how hard it has been for young people! Love the plane blending and the subtle envelope, like a love letter - beautiful!
Very cool documentation. Glad the lovers are back together.
Their happiness lasted six months. Now they are separated again due to visa rules.Hopefully they can be reunited by the summer when their first child is born.
Oh I can anderstand. I have to wait 2 months to see Dids last year. It's was so long.
Well documenting and great page
You're going to be to have another grandbaby! Congratulations!
I hope they are soon reunited.
Beautiful page. Love the use of the beaded threadz.
There's something to be said about the value of absence...heart growing fonder and all that. But sometimes separation is just plain painful, and I am not a fan of bureaucracy in general. Fervently hoping that the family can reunite this summer. Meanwhile, you've done some beautiful documentation here.
Fabulous blending, texture and page design! Worth the wait. Congrats on the upcoming grandbaby. Hopefully they can be together for this momentous occasion.

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Anna Aspnes
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119.6 KB
600px x 600px

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