


ArtStroke Frames No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtStroke-Frames-No.-1.html On Sale
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I tried one direction to go with this kit but just didn't work. So then I looked at the stitched houses and another idea comes to me. A fun playful idea.


1. I wanted to create a street of houses so I looked for a paper that would support this idea and Artsy Paper 1 fit into this idea and it had sort of a horizontal design.
2. Then I added 5 different stitched houses to the page following the horizontal design of the paper but differing the bottom of each house.
3. I used Artstroke frames 2 and 7 to add accent the first and last houses.
4. Next I brought the two sets of frames from the Template but moved them to the left side and turned them around. This required me to move the shadow layers so the shadow lay in the direction that I usually use on my pages.
5. I added two pictures of my cat, Two to the frames using the Create Clipping Mask.
6. I also add a picture of her to the first house erasing away so all you see is her sitting in the door of the house.
7. I used the single word Home on the page and then typed in the word house using the same colors even making the US a little darker as the M appears in home.
8. To add a little more interest I took the fern leave and placed it three times by the houses as I thought I appeared to be a tree when used like this. I erased away where the trees appeared through the houses because I thought this added some weight to the houses if they didn't appear see through.
9. Then I added the line from the song Our House by Crosby Stills & Nash. The line say there are three cats in the yard and I have 3 pictures of Two. I painted white behind the words but reduced the opacity and added a Gaussian blur.

Hope you like my playful street.
j'aime votre ide d'une rue borde de maisons en couture, et les feuilles de fougre comme arbres, c'est trs ludique et amusant.

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Anna Aspnes
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