
Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Created with the Artplay Daffodil Collection On Sale now for one week from May 3, 2023.
Credits list
Artplay Daffodil Collection (available until April 26, 2023)
Artplay Palette Daffodil
ArtsyTransfers Daffodil
Artsy Layered Template No. 184
Urban Threadz Framed 1
MultiMedia Spring 1
Spring WordART 2

FotoBlendz Overlays 21

Process The dark background was created via a Solid Paper, with a Hue/Saturation and a Color Fill Adjustment Layer clipped to it. My Focal Image was clipped to a FotoBlendz Overlay (with a Difference Blending mode applied). A Second copy of the Image was clipped to a Transfer. A Green Texture Layer from the ArtsyTransfers .psd file is placed below the FotoBlendz and adds a little light to the image. One Frame from the Template was placed onto the Layout, with another from the Urban Threadz Framed 1. An Artsy Paper and a Supporting Image were clipped to the Frame Layers. The colour of the Image was adjusted via different adjustment layers. Brushwork and ArtsyTransfer Layers were added. Splatters, WordART and Dimensional elements were placed on top of the Layout. A final Adjustment Layer (Photo Filter) was placed on top of the whole Layout before Journaling completed the page.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
It's so sad to see pups afraid of the weather, and nothing you can do to help them but wait it out with them. Nice dark background!
With the storm approaching it looks like your pup found the perfect safe spot and the smell of all the people scents on the shoes must have been comforting. Love how the dark background sets the mood. Love the yellow flower.
Nice use of the storm, dark background. Poor Molly. I'm glad she has a spot she likes to retreat to.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
197.8 KB
1000px x 1000px

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