


  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration – I decided to use the current aA Classic to make a page for Challenge 4 – Recipe challnge

Start-File>New 12x12 300.

Paper – Placed Solid Paper 2 above the background layer. Then added Solid Paper 3 above 2.I used the Lasso Tool to outline the upper half on the diagonal and then delete it. Then I added another copy of Solid Paper 3 below the first one and turned off visibility. Then I took the Scalloped Lace from APP Meraki and aligned it to the diagonal edge of Solid Paper 3. I duplicated and aligned the copies along the edge. I kept doing this until the lace extended from one edge to the other. I turned the visibility of the copy of Solid Paper 3 and clicked on Layer>Create Clipping Mask. I put both copies of Solid Paper 3 in a group and added a Drop Shadow.

Mask – I used the tag as a mask.
Frame – Added Frame 2 from APP Family
Photos – Attached a photo to the tag mask and the mask layer of the frame.
Element cluster – Took MultimediaSchool1.2 and made 2 copies arranging them along the diagonal edge. Added the heart, butterfly, bow and clip. Made two copies of the flower from APP Heartland and added it to the cluster.
Elements – Put the clip to look like it was attached to the tag photo and Used the Heart metal like a tack on the framed photo.
Brush - Brush 13 was placed to come from under the diagonal edge.
Title- Used the word art “This Rocks”.
Journaling – Told the story of the page
Finally, I added drop shadows where needed.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Thank you for the details of your thought process. The lace border is nicely tucked behind with just a hint showing. What really interested me was the gorgeous and very unique leaves used along the ripped paper edge. The minimal use of elements to help draw the eye to the border are carefully placed along the diagonal. So well thought out.
Thanks for sharing in the challenge.

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Challenge 4
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File size
339 KB
Date taken
Wed, 30 August 2023 2:38 PM
1000px x 1000px

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