
Brooklyn, New York 1960's
Vicki Robinson

Brooklyn, New York 1960's

This is a simple page capturing a few of my childhood memories of living in Brooklyn, New York in the early 1960s. Again I had no photos to use, but since there were some key memories I wanted to document, I found these on the internet. I was actually surprised to see that the school was still there! The journaling reads:

"Several things I remember from living in Brooklyn in the early 1960s.

* A terrible winter blizzard that absolutely terrified me.

* Watching the Veranzanno Narrows Bridge — connecting Brooklyn with Staten Island —being built. We could see it from our apartment building! Construction started in 1959, but it wasn’t completed until 1964. My mother was pregnant with my little brother in 1962 and we always referred to the bridge as “Scotty’s”.

* I went to PS 104 from Kindergarten through third grade. In my mind, it was a much, much bigger school, at least 6 stories high and with tons of steps up to the entrance. Clearly, not the case. I remember being in Mrs. Pulese’s 2nd-grade class when an office monitor with a purple armband entered and whispered to her. She turn to us and said “Children, President Kennedy has been shot. You are to walk home in an orderly fashion and do not dally.” We really didn’t quite understand what was going on, and on our way down those three long city blocks, we saw people gathered in front of TV displays in storefront windows. Everyone was crying and when we got home my parents were sitting in front of the TV, also crying. “Kids,” my dad said, “this is a very very sad day for our country.” We were still sitting there a while later when Walter Cronkite told the world the President had died. I think the TV was on for a week straight and I clearly remember the funeral — Jackie in that long black veil and John-John saluting."
I so enjoyed your journaling. I only vaguely remember the building of the Verrazano because we had moved from New York by then (though I've traveled over it many times since then), but I clearly remember the JFK assassination and, later, the funeral. I love how you've illustrated your memories and the subtle background paper you used.
I so enjoyed your journaling. I only vaguely remember the building of the Verrazano because we had moved from New York by then (though I've traveled over it many times since then), but I clearly remember the JFK assassination and, later, the funeral. I love how you've illustrated your memories and the subtle background paper you used.
Thank you so much!
Loved reading the journaling. I thnk the design of this page is amazing. I looks so simple, but it is very well thought about I think. It catches the eye!!

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Vicki Robinson Designs
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Vicki Robinson
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