


  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
I do my pages for my Project pretty much the same every time with a few exceptions.
  1. I start with the template pages.in double-page format for 4 and 5.
  2. I pick my photos and add them to the masks using Layer>Create Clipping Mask. Then I make any adjustments that I think should be made.
  3. Then I add the papers over the background layer of each page.(Behold Solid Pages 2-4) Sometimes I put transfers in the frames in the background. (Behold Overlay 1-Transfer 2-Snapshot Transfer 4)
  4. The elements come next. (Uplift-arrow clip, Sayona Clock, Fotographie – camera 1, Evanish – Camera b)
  5. Brushes are sometimes added to the pages. (Little Numbers 1 circle)
  6. Next, I write and enter the journal entries.
  7. The last to go on the page is the title. I use either a word cluster or create one. (Page 4 cluster I altered with Words from other word clusters.)
  8. When it is all put together I go to my checklist.
I should mention that the pictures of Trailing Yew and the island I took off the internet.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: cyanne22
I love your restrained-but-perfect use of black and white--and how the camera charm, clock, and arrow reinforce the monotone vibe. This is gorgeously balanced.
I am doing an arrow and clock on every double page to signify that Time Flys.

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
176 KB
Date taken
Sun, 03 December 2023 1:38 PM
1000px x 500px

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