


  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
I am inspired by fellow team members Adryane and Marleen to try something simpler and with white space. Hard to do when you have 30 great photos from a day, but a little easier when there is just one thing, one image I want to focus on.
The bunch of tulips on the left has a Poster Edged filter (thank you, Michelle for introducing me to this!).
I used a Sayonara Trasnfer, duplicated about 3-4 times, as the blending mask. Embellished this with just a couple of elements and Threadz, adding the word art.
On the right I used the Sayonara Frame for another of the tulip photos, adding a few more elements just to cluster things.
More light Transfers and Splatters added, and almost finally, added a MM Sprinklez to connect the images/pages. I rearranged the elements and recolored some, making them all smaller to fit my pages.
Finally finally, I was adding a color overlay to something, and accidentally unclipped it, and found it added a wonderful warmth to the whole page.
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The Sayonara Collection limited option enables you to purchase the entire release of 5 products at 46% discount and get BONUS DigitalART . note that the AnnaRelease collection will no longer be available after 3 February 2023 at 9 am EST.

Artplay Sayonara Collection
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: zlemon and bcazzell
This is the perfect white space/clean design art. It may be out of your wheelhouse, but you do it so well.

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
119.6 KB
1000px x 618px

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