


The last two days. Finale page tomorrow
"December 28, 1930
Yesterday when the oil was changed the man put in heavy oil so the car was very hard to get started this morning. We lost over a half an hr getting it warmed up to start. We stared up through the mountains from Redding and saw snow in the hills.
Mt. Shasta is covered with snow and we passed along within about 3 miles of the mountain. Entered Oregon at 11 o’clock and went through the Siskiyou Mountains. The [Siskiyou Mtn] road is crooked and goes down from pass to go up another. In one valley the fog was very dense and it had frozen on the trees making them white. It was afternoon and the fog had not lifted enough to melt the frost. The road went thru mountains all the way today and it is the first Evergreens we have seen since we left the Rockies on out trip east. Stopped at Eugene 5:30. Mileage 370.
Driving hrs 10 hrs 20 min.

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Credits list
aA Project Template Album No. 7
APP Evanescent (solid paper background opacity 80%, transfers clipped to frame masks; pearl button element). Various blend mode and hue/saturation adjustments.
APP Family (branch)
Photos: Mt. Shasta, snow trees clipped to fotoblendz, and Siskiyou Mountains in framed mask (Unsplash: Ryan Hoffman, Ainars Cekuls, Eric Muhr)
Family photo
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes

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Anna Aspnes
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