@BrightEyes Hope that you slept better and later last night than the night before.
I am chuckling that you had to go back into the craft room to put some of the stuff into bins. I would have done the same thing. I would *have to* clear some space or it makes me kooky.
That has to be a DMV record! When I took Scott for his DL test/license were there for over 4 hours. I had to leave the building at one point because it was so crowded and over capacity for fire safety. Glad that it's done for you for 5 more years!
I wish I could send you some rain, we are getting more on and off the next few days from the remnants of Ernesto. Nothing windy or anything like that, just the unsettled air and some T-storms I think.
Yeeeeeah baby! Great news about the scrap mojo!
Did you and Linda get out for a walk? I didn't do anything other than a short yoga session yesterday *and* I had ice cream for a snack last night. I'd better do more of some kind of exercise today. *pats tummy* Is there any way to get rid of post-menopausal belly fat in less than 4 weeks?

BFF is almost an hour away depending on traffic but it is worth the trip down to visit with her. We try to get together about once a month for coffee during the school year when she works FT. But she is off for the summer so it all pool all the time LOL
@vickyday How is your ID? Are you allowed to smile? in NJ we can't, not allowed at all not even a smirk. Everyone's ID looks worse than a mugshot b/c you are annoyed that you've to wait and pay $$$ for the darn thing.
That is an awesome question!
Have fun at the baby shower tomorrow!
Oh nooooooooo......
That is what happened to Jaida last December. It's awful. She had TPLO surgery so if that is that is the same procedure they do for Remi and you have any questions, please ask. I know it depends on the precise tear and knee mechanics but TPLO is the most common way to do a CCL repair. Do you have a sling for her?
This is the one we bought and it worked great:
This is the bed we got her too:
We knew she'd need something for the floor since she wasn't allowed on any furniture for months. We babygated the LR off and Gary slept on the sofa with her on the floor the entire time.
I am so sorry that you are going through this.

The good thing is that you have her trained incredibly well whereas J is a stubborn butt and fights us on everything. And she is young which is another plus. TPLO has a fantastic success rate and J's surgeon said that she would be able to return to her normal activity in about 6 months. She still gets stiff after we hike with her but the vet thinks it is more arthritis than the knee repair itself.
Once the surgery and PT is done, the vet should have her on some sort of joint supplement. We use Fish Oil and Dasequin for Jaida and that is supposed to help with the cartilage rebuilding. Her other knee (she had patellar luxation repair when she was 1 yo) has been great and we give her Dasequin daily. Def. talk to your vet when the surgery is over.
HUGS to you all. It's so hard but she'll be ok ♥
(Sorry if I am butting my nose in too much again)
I couldn't; do that yesterday but that is on my list for today!
Who me??????????????
It is always Do as I say, not as I do.

I bet the color contrast makes it cozy and warm.
I'm still trying to find that moose to bring me to AK for pizza night.
I was gonna yell at you for hopping back in there and working while your back was iffy but what a score on finding all of the paper and supplies you needed. Then to find more photos! What did I say a couple of weeks ago that your home is being held up by DVDs and photo albums? I rest my case!
jeanne- love the tie-dye! Scott used to tie dye everything when he was in HS so a lot of my laundry did look like that, but not anymore. Do you do the tie-dye yourself?
Sounds amazing! Enjoy some of that quiet time for me.
Do you have a special place you will be keeping Ike? We have a shelf in the hallway where we keep all of their footprints displayed and some photos/drawings of a few of the furbabies. It's nice to walk past and touch them.
@Cherylndesigns Uuuuuh-ooh, Kinleigh sounds like Caitlyn at that age! Does she stomp her foot when she doesn't get her way?
Hysterical about how mad she gets for not being allowed in the pool haha!
That is awesome! Have a wonderful time and that's so thoughtful of Alyssa. Any more updates on the Marines?
Braden is all settled in with the new apt too?
Feel better too!