Good afternoon, all.
I'm moving slow this morning/afternoon. Driving for almost an hour to eat last night, then pigging out, then driving an hour home wore me out. I have motion sickness, so Alyssa was hesitant to ask me to go there. I told her I'd be fine, and I'd take my medication, which I did. It always leaves me a little hung over the next day though. I'm not used to eating all those carbs, either. We made a pact that we wouldn't worry about carbs for once. Alyssa said "no carbs left untouched, Cici." She's so funny and that was our motto. So, I'm sure I'm having a carb hangover today, too.

Chris @faerywings we've had a lot of rain here, too. It rained so hard a couple of nights ago that it washed out our road down on the lower level and reconfigured the little lake again. It was brown mud yesterday and running over the road again. Kay @BrightEyes it's hot again here, too. Not quite as hot as where you are, but way too hot for me.
I'm moving slow this morning/afternoon. Driving for almost an hour to eat last night, then pigging out, then driving an hour home wore me out. I have motion sickness, so Alyssa was hesitant to ask me to go there. I told her I'd be fine, and I'd take my medication, which I did. It always leaves me a little hung over the next day though. I'm not used to eating all those carbs, either. We made a pact that we wouldn't worry about carbs for once. Alyssa said "no carbs left untouched, Cici." She's so funny and that was our motto. So, I'm sure I'm having a carb hangover today, too.

Chris @faerywings we've had a lot of rain here, too. It rained so hard a couple of nights ago that it washed out our road down on the lower level and reconfigured the little lake again. It was brown mud yesterday and running over the road again. Kay @BrightEyes it's hot again here, too. Not quite as hot as where you are, but way too hot for me.
This has to be THE one, Chris!! I can totally see that on you and it's perfect, I love it!!!It's the weekend! I am taking my morning nice and slow today. I have nowhere to go and the weather is crummy so no point in working outside. I might as well take advantage of that. (But... will I? Check back tomorrow and see!)
Yesterday was a great visit with my BFF. I showed her the photo I pinned for the MoB hairstyle and she approved.
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I'll keep looking but I think this is the direction I want to go in.
She said something to me that made my stomach do quite a few flips. We hugged goodbye and she said that the next time we see each other would be at the wedding. *GULP*
That made it feel really soon. Which I guess it is.
I need to get going on writing our speech. She asked us to do a speech/toast and I have been ignoring it. I better get myself together. I don't know what I want to say (probably because I've been ignoring it).
Any ideas to get me started???