
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, August 14


The Loopy-O
Good morning, O-fam!

Before I start the usual chatter, I want to send out some more hugs to Amy/ @mimes. She posted last night that her sweet boy, Ike passed away. (((((Amy and family)))))

How is everyone this Wednesday? I hope the weather by you was as pleasant as it was here. I didn't get outside other than with the dogs for a few minutes here and there. The Weis director called me to discuss the upcoming Homeschool sessions and it looks like I will be responsible for much of the curriculum development. :woohoo:
It's all in the planning stages ATM but we are looking at doing a 6-week session in late Sept/Oct/Nov and then a 4-week session in Nov/early Dec.
I spent a couple of hours sketching out an Overview of what a 6-week theme/topics would look like and put together a draft lesson plan about the equinox. I found some neat activities - making sundials, a solar oven out of a pizza box to make s'mores, shadow making, and so on. Some backup plans in case we need to be inside. (hmmm, I guess it is a little more than a draft LOL). I already uploaded them to the shared folder and let the director know. Now it is up to her and the Lead Educators to go over it and see what they want to do. *fingers crossed they like it*

She also asked me what I thought about the Women in the Wildness course and I raved about it. She was excited to hear that and is happy that I have been enjoying theTBP courses. That was a relief because I occasionally feel like I am taking advantage since I attend them for free but she was encouraging me to take more. I think I want to do either Knots or Map and Compass next but I don't think they are offered in the next few months.

I also got some positive responses on the Hiking with Dog suggestion- The Trailbound owner/founder commented that they cover a little info on hiking with dogs during the Hiking Basics course but would like to make it into a full course. So who knows, maybe in the spring they'll have a new addition to their course catalog. :)

Gary took a few pictures of Caitlyn and Tom after they applied for their license. Very cute. ♥ I made basil walnut pesto and breadsticks (one of Tom's favorites) to celebrate.

I am picking up groceries and then paying bills this morning. Then I need to start planning the rehearsal and dinner. I think Caitlyn was hoping we could have it out of the house but I don't see how I can afford any of that. Money really sucks. I hope to get a little scrapping done, maybe some yard work and who knows what else?

What are you doing today?
Make it a good one! xo
@vickyday Do you think your cold might be Covid? The cough sounds like it hurts. :( Feel better!

@BrightEyes Love the way your DS#2 started the phone with you LOL! Hope that you have a wonderful time catching up with your friends.
Oi! @faerywings! Don't mess with @AK_Tracy - she's my home girl!

@tanteva and @AK_Tracy stop ganging up on meeeee! :sad1:

@AK_Tracy Man, it takes longer for you to get your car fixed than to go to a doctor. Sorry that the car looks tacky with the trash bag on it but I guess all of your neighbors know what it's like to get to a mechanic too.
Did you sleep any better last night? I hate when my shoulder and hips can't take the sleeping pressure and all I do is roll side to side the entire night.

@taxed4ever Sorry that the weather wasn't looking good for your visit with your nephew, maybe the sun came out a little *hopeful*
How is the weather today for your hike?

How in the heck did you have energy left after a 6K walk?? Okay, had to do the conversion LOL A slightly under 4 mile walk. That still a long way.How did you have energy left over to make jelly and bread????
Right???? :rotfl:

Oh shoot! My innocent look didn't work and Trudy caught on. All I'm gonna say is Cheryl! :pokestick::pokestick::pokestick::pokestick:

Ahhh!! The ketchup memes!!! *snort*!

OT, sort of: Scott was at my parents' yesterday to help with some yard work. My mom made him eggs and asked him if he wanted ketchup. He had to call me on his way home because he is like me(at least about eggs). He is 28 years old and hates ketchup on eggs, always has and she asks him every darn time too. Though, she did say to him "I know your mom doesn't like ketchup on eggs."
But you *know* she is going to ask me the next time I see her for b-fast.

@mimes again, I am so sorry about Ike. Hugs. I am glad the family was with him.

@Cherylndesigns Your First LO upload thread was a hoot and a half!
I hope that Roger's tooth got fixed and that he can fix your dishwasher soon. When we didn't have a kitchen for months and I had to wash dishes in the bathroom sink, I used a lot of paper plates too. No judgment here!

Good morning, O-fam!

Before I start the usual chatter, I want to send out some more hugs to Amy/ @mimes. She posted last night that her sweet boy, Ike passed away. (((((Amy and family)))))

How is everyone this Wednesday? I hope the weather by you was as pleasant as it was here. I didn't get outside other than with the dogs for a few minutes here and there. The Weis director called me to discuss the upcoming Homeschool sessions and it looks like I will be responsible for much of the curriculum development. :woohoo:
It's all in the planning stages ATM but we are looking at doing a 6-week session in late Sept/Oct/Nov and then a 4-week session in Nov/early Dec.
I spent a couple of hours sketching out an Overview of what a 6-week theme/topics would look like and put together a draft lesson plan about the equinox. I found some neat activities - making sundials, a solar oven out of a pizza box to make s'mores, shadow making, and so on. Some backup plans in case we need to be inside. (hmmm, I guess it is a little more than a draft LOL). I already uploaded them to the shared folder and let the director know. Now it is up to her and the Lead Educators to go over it and see what they want to do. *fingers crossed they like it*

She also asked me what I thought about the Women in the Wildness course and I raved about it. She was excited to hear that and is happy that I have been enjoying theTBP courses. That was a relief because I occasionally feel like I am taking advantage since I attend them for free but she was encouraging me to take more. I think I want to do either Knots or Map and Compass next but I don't think they are offered in the next few months.

I also got some positive responses on the Hiking with Dog suggestion- The Trailbound owner/founder commented that they cover a little info on hiking with dogs during the Hiking Basics course but would like to make it into a full course. So who knows, maybe in the spring they'll have a new addition to their course catalog. :)

Gary took a few pictures of Caitlyn and Tom after they applied for their license. Very cute. ♥ I made basil walnut pesto and breadsticks (one of Tom's favorites) to celebrate.

I am picking up groceries and then paying bills this morning. Then I need to start planning the rehearsal and dinner. I think Caitlyn was hoping we could have it out of the house but I don't see how I can afford any of that. Money really sucks. I hope to get a little scrapping done, maybe some yard work and who knows what else?

What are you doing today?
Make it a good one! xo
I love hearing about all of your planning/getting involved with the programming, etc. at Weis! I know this makes your teacher-heart so happy!
@vickyday Do you think your cold might be Covid? The cough sounds like it hurts. :( Feel better!

@BrightEyes Love the way your DS#2 started the phone with you LOL! Hope that you have a wonderful time catching up with your friends.

@tanteva and @AK_Tracy stop ganging up on meeeee! :sad1:

@AK_Tracy Man, it takes longer for you to get your car fixed than to go to a doctor. Sorry that the car looks tacky with the trash bag on it but I guess all of your neighbors know what it's like to get to a mechanic too.
Did you sleep any better last night? I hate when my shoulder and hips can't take the sleeping pressure and all I do is roll side to side the entire night.

@taxed4ever Sorry that the weather wasn't looking good for your visit with your nephew, maybe the sun came out a little *hopeful*
How is the weather today for your hike?

Right???? :rotfl:


Ahhh!! The ketchup memes!!! *snort*!

OT, sort of: Scott was at my parents' yesterday to help with some yard work. My mom made him eggs and asked him if he wanted ketchup. He had to call me on his way home because he is like me(at least about eggs). He is 28 years old and hates ketchup on eggs, always has and she asks him every darn time too. Though, she did say to him "I know your mom doesn't like ketchup on eggs."
But you *know* she is going to ask me the next time I see her for b-fast.

@mimes again, I am so sorry about Ike. Hugs. I am glad the family was with him.

@Cherylndesigns Your First LO upload thread was a hoot and a half!
I hope that Roger's tooth got fixed and that he can fix your dishwasher soon. When we didn't have a kitchen for months and I had to wash dishes in the bathroom sink, I used a lot of paper plates too. No judgment here!

I'm pretty sure it isn't covid. I feel much better today. Not much coughing at all and no headache so far (knock on wood!)
Good Morning!
I'm being a bad girl today.....I feel great and should go walking.......but I'm not! Since I am feeling pretty good I am going to work around the house to prepare a bit for my daughter and family that will spend the night here on Friday night. But, not just for that. I've felt pretty creepy over the last week and stuff just needs to be done.....like sweeping, dusting, cleaning the bathroom.......yadayadayadayada.......Yes! I agree @Cherylndesigns .....HOUSEWORK IS EVIL!!!
Got my daily ATC done this morning and the dishes put away and the counter straightened and cleaned off (it tends to collect stuff). Now I'm ready to move on to other stuff.
I told myself I wasn't going to do any more challenges this month, but I ended up working Lynn Grieveson's Featured Product challenge yesterday. I might work on her CP challenge and then see what Rachel Jefferies' challenges are about. @Cherylndesigns I checked for the week 3 AJ challenge yesterday, but it wasn't up yet. When do the new weeks usually post?
OK, that's it for me for now.
Morning everyone! It is another grey dull day here, but the temps are nice. I am not hiking today, the hike is an easy one but back up at Lake Cowichan and I just don't want to send the gas going up there again today. So I invited my sister to come for coffee this morning. It will be good to catch up with her again. I need to dead head a bunch of flowers in the backyard today also. Yesterdays visit was really nice and my nephew and his family they are all doing very well! So nice to see their daughters and have a chat with them, so cute with their Aussie accents, turning into lovely young ladies! The sun did make an appearance while I was out on the deck with everyone and it got quite warm! I was wearing long pants, so I was wishing I had have put on my shorts instead :beach1: . Not much else new around here, I hope to try to get some scrapping done this afternoon and perhaps go on a nice walk with SIL Linda again tomorrow. I hope everyone has a fun day!

Before I start the usual chatter, I want to send out some more hugs to Amy/ @mimes. She posted last night that her sweet boy, Ike passed away.
Awww so sad to hear about Amy's loss of her sweet Ike! Sending hugs to her and her family! Sounds like you are going to be very busy with all the planning for your work and for Caitlyn's rehearsal dinner. I am sure Caitlyn will be happy with whatever you do!
I'm being a bad girl today.....I feel great and should go walking.......but I'm not! Since I am feeling pretty good I am going to work around the house to prepare a bit for my daughter and family that will spend the night here on Friday night. But, not just for that. I've felt pretty creepy over the last week and stuff just needs to be done.....like sweeping, dusting, cleaning the bathroom
I am being bad today also as I should really be on my hike, but I just did not want to do that drive again today! Yup housework is evil, but a necessary evil I guess. It usually takes the knowledge of someone coming to visit to really get me motivated to deep clean the house LOL. Glad to hear that your cold and cough are much better and that it probably isn't Covid!

Ok I need to hop in the shower and then I will try to catch up with everyone else in a bit. :bye2:
Good Morning!
Did my kitchen training last night. Was a good night but oh my swollen body from standing for several hours. Even my fingers are swollen. Today I get to make the shih-tzu dogs mad. Its groomer day :floorlaugh: Sweet Cocoa Puff will cry like he's being tortured. Thankfully the groomer just laughs him off. He starts in the car, whining, so I know he's okay. He is just my drama dog.

The Weis director called me to discuss the upcoming Homeschool sessions and it looks like I will be responsible for much of the curriculum development.
This is wonderful. I feel like this is where you could bloom big and really add to their programs. What a wonderful opportunity.
@AK_Tracy Man, it takes longer for you to get your car fixed than to go to a doctor. Sorry that the car looks tacky with the trash bag on it but I guess all of your neighbors know what it's like to get to a mechanic too.
Did you sleep any better last night? I hate when my shoulder and hips can't take the sleeping pressure and all I do is roll side to side the entire night.
Yep, takes longer to get into the mechanics than a doctor. Hubs tried to create the issue yesterday with no luck, cant see a leak in the sunroof seal. But we will be covering and parking for the most part. Gonna make Costco runs fun doing so in a truck.
Though, she did say to him "I know your mom doesn't like ketchup on eggs."
But you *know* she is going to ask me the next time I see her for b-fast.
I think they ask in the eternal hope you will come around to their way of thinking. But I am with you guys, eggs and ketchup :sick:
I'm being a bad girl today.....I feel great and should go walking.......but I'm not!
This is not being bad. This is taking care of your body and not over doing it and relapsing. Now stop cleaning the house. One down day will be better then having a relapse and feeling icky when family is at your house. Its a short visit and you dont want to miss it.

@taxed4ever Trudy your visit sounds like a wonderful time. Those accents had to be fun. While checking out of Costco last month, we heard an Australian couple in front of us. It was so out of place that of course we stopped and just listened to them talk. The cashier was trying to get the 18 month old to talk to him. It was so cute.

Have a great day!
Good Morning!
I'm being a bad girl today.....I feel great and should go walking.......but I'm not! Since I am feeling pretty good I am going to work around the house to prepare a bit for my daughter and family that will spend the night here on Friday night. But, not just for that. I've felt pretty creepy over the last week and stuff just needs to be done.....like sweeping, dusting, cleaning the bathroom.......yadayadayadayada.......Yes! I agree @Cherylndesigns .....HOUSEWORK IS EVIL!!!
Got my daily ATC done this morning and the dishes put away and the counter straightened and cleaned off (it tends to collect stuff). Now I'm ready to move on to other stuff.
I told myself I wasn't going to do any more challenges this month, but I ended up working Lynn Grieveson's Featured Product challenge yesterday. I might work on her CP challenge and then see what Rachel Jefferies' challenges are about. @Cherylndesigns I checked for the week 3 AJ challenge yesterday, but it wasn't up yet. When do the new weeks usually post?
OK, that's it for me for now.
Vicky, I'd rather clean bathrooms than do dishes by hand. All housework is evil, though. :housekeeping:

The next AJ Challenge will be posted on the 16th.
Good morning.

Chris, @faerywings your lesson planning and ideas sound wonderful. This is right down your alley, isn't it? You have come up with some terrific ideas and I'm sure Weis is thrilled to have you on the team!

So, Cait and Tom got their license yesterday? It's really happening. This is real - getting that marriage license. I know you're all doing the countdown. Having the rehearsal dinner at your house is such a smart idea. Those rehearsal dinners are just something else to spend more money on. When Steph got married, the groom's mom and stepdad paid, but there was a lot of tension. His dad and mom REALLY REALLY can't stand to be in the same room together.

I'll be back. I need to get cleaned up a little bit. Adrienne, Kinleigh, Kinleigh's mom and her 5 yo son are coming down soon. They got in very late last night, from Michigan.
Yup housework is evil, but a necessary evil I guess. It usually takes the knowledge of someone coming to visit to really get me motivated to deep clean the house LOL.
Yes, you are correct. ALL housework is evil but a necessary evil!
Same for me...motivation usually comes when company is expected, LOL!
Now stop cleaning the house.
I took your advice.....I never did start, LOL! ;)
I'd rather clean bathrooms than do dishes by hand. All housework is evil, though. :housekeeping:

The next AJ Challenge will be posted on the 16th.
I don't know if I would go that far.....I think I would rather do the dishes by hand than clean the bathroom!
But I agree, ALL housework is evil!
So, are the AJ challenges posted on Fridays?
I took your advice.....I never did start, LOL! ;)
Good job!!!! :yourock: Glad you didn't start and are taking care of you instead of the dust bunnies. They'll always be there so no fear on missing out. LOL
So, are the AJ challenges posted on Fridays?
I might be wrong, but it feels random. Sometimes it will be 10 days between postings. I dont believe there are set days. Just an observation from stalking the AJ thread at times.
Crazy me... I posted this on yesterday's thread... not today's!!
Kay, I'm so glad that you and the gals had such a wonderful luncheon yesterday! Glad you got the camera figured out and got some new pictures - that's always fun to put new pictures here and other places.
Oh, my... just found a lighting app on the computer and what a difference in makes when taking photos!!!
So I changed my avatar again.]

Kay Aug1-avatar.jpg Kay Aug5 avatar-500.jpg
Good job!!!! :yourock: Glad you didn't start and are taking care of you instead of the dust bunnies. They'll always be there so no fear on missing out. LOL

I might be wrong, but it feels random. Sometimes it will be 10 days between postings. I dont believe there are set days. Just an observation from stalking the AJ thread at times.
It might seem that way - we have 4 challenges a month, sometimes we post a tad early. Interesting observation, though.

This is the schedule for August:
August 1 - 8
August 9 - 15
August 16 - 22
August 23 - 31
Crazy me... I posted this on yesterday's thread... not today's!!

Oh, my... just found a lighting app on the computer and what a difference in makes when taking photos!!!
So I changed my avatar again.]

View attachment 426027 View attachment 426028
Oh my goodness, that's so cool that you found a lighting app on your computer. What a difference it makes!
Oh my goodness, that's so cool that you found a lighting app on your computer. What a difference it makes!
Okay, I think I am going crazy and might need new glasses!! :giggle4: I read Kay's original post @BrightEyes and this one and read it as a lightening app, like strikes of lightening from the sky and wondered what that had to do with the photo, which is beautiful. I was not making the connection or seeing lightening strikes :floorlaugh: Apparently the coffee didn't kick in today!!!
Okay, I think I am going crazy and might need new glasses!! :giggle4: I read Kay's original post @BrightEyes and this one and read it as a lightening app, like strikes of lightening from the sky and wondered what that had to do with the photo, which is beautiful. I was not making the connection or seeing lightening strikes :floorlaugh: Apparently the coffee didn't kick in today!!!
No, no, no..... no lightening from the sky!!! YIKES.. that would hurt!... :hiding2:

The L I G H T I N G app puts a round donut shape with a hole in the center filled with changeable light color ... white, blue or yellow that can be toned up and down in brightness. Inside the hole, you can see what the camera app sees and how the light is affecting the image. For my 2nd photo shoot, I used the blue light set at medium. No harsh light - just a soft light. Guess I am not too old to learn new tricks!!!
Okay! The paint has been purchased. The brushes are ready. I taped 1/10th of the kitchen. Tomorrow I have no where to be. Let the fun (mess) begin. Soon to come, a layout with paint LOL I'm changing my green apple kitchen walls to dark sage. We will also change the back splash when I have money saved. I cant wait for it to be done. While it will be "darker" I think it will be amazing since we have 10' ceilings and light honey oak cabinets with white appliances. Its been 15 years since we painted the walls. I cant wait but I wish I could "I dream of Jeannie" and blink its done. But its suppose to be overcast tomorrow so great day to get it done.
Okay! The paint has been purchased. The brushes are ready. I taped 1/10th of the kitchen. Tomorrow I have no where to be. Let the fun (mess) begin. Soon to come, a layout with paint LOL I'm changing my green apple kitchen walls to dark sage. We will also change the back splash when I have money saved. I cant wait for it to be done. While it will be "darker" I think it will be amazing since we have 10' ceilings and light honey oak cabinets with white appliances. Its been 15 years since we painted the walls. I cant wait but I wish I could "I dream of Jeannie" and blink its done. But its suppose to be overcast tomorrow so great day to get it done.
Our whole house needs painting! No telling when it was last painted! The walls are yellowed with age and the paint is flat. I made a mess when I tried to clean them!
Our whole house needs painting! No telling when it was last painted! The walls are yellowed with age and the paint is flat. I made a mess when I tried to clean them!
That's part of why I'm repainting. I cant get all the stains off and I am tired of how dirty they look. I hope you can paint one day too.
I spent a couple of hours sketching out an Overview of what a 6-week theme/topics would look like and put together a draft lesson plan about the equinox. I found some neat activities - making sundials, a solar oven out of a pizza box to make s'mores, shadow making, and so on. Some backup plans in case we need to be inside. (hmmm, I guess it is a little more than a draft LOL).
You rock girl! Love your ideas. One thought for rain idea and shadows, find a clip of a shadow theater clip. It's unreal what can. be created with shadows. Can you tell I'm a fan of AGT?
Yes, you are correct. ALL housework is evil but a necessary evil!
Same for me...motivation usually comes when company is expected, LOL!
Does wanting to put up Christmas decorations motivation ? If so, I'm motivated at least once a year.
So I changed my avatar again.]
Jane Seymour and her "Crepe Erase" have nothing on you girl! Terrific photo!
Okay, I think I am going crazy and might need new glasses!! :giggle4: I read Kay's original post @BrightEyes and this one and read it as a lightening app, like strikes of lightening from the sky and wondered what that had to do with the photo, which is beautiful.
Scary, but I read it as lighting app before seeing the photo - I was expecting a photo app for adding sparkles, light beams, & what not to photos.
Guess I am not too old to learn new tricks!!!
We're never too "advanced" to learn new things, my problem is remembering the new things I learned. There was something I did in Photoshop today and literally said "I didn't know I could do that." I'd tell you what it was, but yah, I forgot.
I cant wait but I wish I could "I dream of Jeannie" and blink its done. But its suppose to be overcast tomorrow so great day to get it done.
By careful what you wish for, that COULD be a nightmare ;)
Our whole house needs painting! No telling when it was last painted! The walls are yellowed with age and the paint is flat. I made a mess when I tried to clean them!
4 years ago we finally painted our kitchen, dining room, living room, hallway & foyer after being in our house with flat eggshell original paint after 39 years. We went with an ocean theme, 3 different shades of teal and replaced the carpeting with a light beige beach color. And that 80's wild pattern kitchen vinyl that I thought was soooooo wonderful was now soooooo UGH--ly was replaced with light vinyl plank flooring. I know the colors make some people suck air, but it makes me smile every time I walk in the house, and it's all about me dontcha know. Here's hoping you get a chance to do that too.
That makes total sense and why it feels random. Its not a day of the week but an approx date.
Right! We have 4 challenges, but some months are shorter/longer than others. That adds to that random feeling, too. We're so thrilled that you are all impatiently waiting for the next challenge to be posted. LOVE it!!!:smiliesdoingwave2:
You rock girl! Love your ideas. One thought for rain idea and shadows, find a clip of a shadow theater clip. It's unreal what can. be created with shadows. Can you tell I'm a fan of AGT?

Does wanting to put up Christmas decorations motivation ? If so, I'm motivated at least once a year.

Jane Seymour and her "Crepe Erase" have nothing on you girl! Terrific photo!

Scary, but I read it as lighting app before seeing the photo - I was expecting a photo app for adding sparkles, light beams, & what not to photos.

We're never too "advanced" to learn new things, my problem is remembering the new things I learned. There was something I did in Photoshop today and literally said "I didn't know I could do that." I'd tell you what it was, but yah, I forgot.

By careful what you wish for, that COULD be a nightmare ;)

4 years ago we finally painted our kitchen, dining room, living room, hallway & foyer after being in our house with flat eggshell original paint after 39 years. We went with an ocean theme, 3 different shades of teal and replaced the carpeting with a light beige beach color. And that 80's wild pattern kitchen vinyl that I thought was soooooo wonderful was now soooooo UGH--ly was replaced with light vinyl plank flooring. I know the colors make some people suck air, but it makes me smile every time I walk in the house, and it's all about me dontcha know. Here's hoping you get a chance to do that too.
Yes! Once a year counts, LOL! I don't even do Christmas decorations any more. It's not really fun since the grands are all grown up!
And, yes! Let them suck air! It's your house! If it makes you happy who cares what anyone else says. My problem is getting the hubs to go along with change! I would LOVE to paint these dark paneled walls but he isn't hearing it!
Right! We have 4 challenges, but some months are shorter/longer than others. That adds to that random feeling, too. We're so thrilled that you are all impatiently waiting for the next challenge to be posted. LOVE it!!!:smiliesdoingwave2:
Never been patient!!! Gnats and all that!!!!