
Cheery-O Favorites ~ September 6th -12th


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Welcome to the next edition of Cheery-O Favorites!!! I am loving seeing these pages – some of which I have missed in the gallery because it goes so fast!!

Selected by Jeanne (JeanneMN)
Dementia: A Slow Dying by Helen duBois

This one stopped me cold in my tracks and I literally sucked air searching for words. The scrapbooking skills themselves are extraordinary, I only wish….but it’s the message that overwhelmed me and because of the emotion that has been illustrated. I really do not have words, none seem worthy of this, all I can do is just feel the emotion. We are in the decline stage with my mil and she won’t accept it and some of her 10 kids won’t accept it, so this just leaves me speechless.

September Quote Challenge – by Norma 

I can feel the fall breezes blowing… love the out-of-bounds masked image. The falling leaves scattered on the page and the lovely autumn background speaks of autumn. The text is a perfect accent behind the bird on the branch.

Selected by Chris (aka faerywings)
Sing sing the bird by Dady

The OOB technique on the photo gives the page a very realistic impression so much so that I can almost hear the bird singing its song. The background paper and elements pick up the colors of the photo perfectly adding to the realism of the page.

Selected by Ona (aka wombat146)
oscraps 2024 09 chall 2.jpg by lmwest44

WOW! is the first word that came to mind when I saw Mary’s layout for Letter Art challenge! I absolutely LOVE the way she has decorated her chosen letter A. The pretty peach colours against the black is STUNNING! I would have this printed out and hung on the wall so I could keep looking at it!!

Selected by Cheryl (aka Cherylndesigns)
Prague by Myla

The vivid colors drew me in right away! This has such a “poster look” to me. I love the wonderful blending that brings all of the different vignettes together, seamlessly. This is a total “wow” page!

Thank you so much for joining us here on the blog – and thank you to these five ladies whose layouts were chosen this week! Keep up the awesome work! Thank you also to the Cheery-O’s who picked these pages for us to see.

As always, if you see your page here, you are entered to win a gift certificate to the store!

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