
Cheery-O Favorites ~ July 19th – July 25th


Hello everyone from my laptop in Wyoming on a vacation! I can’t stay away from ya’ll!!! Here are five new layouts to drool over. Our Cheery-O’s have found some great gems to share with you today!!!

Selected by Jeanne (aka JeanneMN )

Focus by Erin2

This one spoke to me because I’ve been in it 1000s of times. Hubs calls it my “usual” pose. I love the photo treatment and the multiple layers of blending. It only needed minimal embellishing & I love how that feels as one with the photo.

Selected by LauraD

Rock Point Provincial Park by moemc

I love the way the designer clustered the items in the center with the year word art on the right corner. It looks clean. The pop of the wood behind the elements really bring the focus to the photos.

Selected by Diane (aka madi)

First home by Miki

I love the neutral colour palette with the single accent colour. The yellow sun and the titlework along that circle is done perfectly and the extraction of the girl in front of the house makes a great design.

Selected by Chris aka faerywings

clic by tativero

The collage of different women captured my interest immediately. I loved the old-fashioned cameras and the vintage colors and textures. It reminded me of catalogs I would find in my grandmother’s attic when I was a kid.

Selected by Amy (aka mimes1)

July #3 challenge – 52 Inspirations – On the Road by A-M

This layout is clean and crisp, with a wonderful use of white space. The minimal elements compliment the white space, and the bow hanging delicately from the ends of the stitching is especially appealing. The layout coming together so beautifully from such a diverse selection of products from 52 Inspirations is inspired.

That’s it for this week! Isn’t that a fantastic crop of artists and layouts?? And remember, if you see your page, you’re entered for a drawing for a gift certificate from the store!!!

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