
Cheery-O Favorites February 28 ~ March 7th


Hello out there in digi land!!! I hope this day finds you healthy and happy and enjoying scrapping your memories!! Our Cheery-O’s have chosen 5 more layouts that they thought were wonderful ~ and they just had to share.

Layout # 1

Layout posted in gallery: Feb 28

Selected by Ona (aka wombat146)
sweet spring by poki04
The freshness of the greens and white in this layout drew my eye to it instantly! Along with subtle touches of yellow, this page certainly screams Spring! Gorgeous photos and fabulous page design as well! Beautifully crafted layout!

Layout # 2

Layout posted in gallery: March 2

Selected by Betty Jo
Calendar of March 2025 by Annick
I love this beautiful page with the lovely spring flowers, petals scattered about, and butterflies. It’s a nice position for the calendar, with spring layers supporting it and the cute bird perched on top.

Layout # 3

Layout posted in gallery: March 1

Selected by *sylvia*
Silence by cinderella2009
This layout is incredibly perfect and creatively designed. It is expressive and captivates the viewer. So well done.

Layout # 4

Layout posted in gallery: March 3

Selected by Olga (aka jam-on-toast)

March-#1-challenge-journalingWEB.jpg by threadjungle​

I noticed this layout because I am partial to typography and all these word arts spoke to me. I really like the vertical design here and all the brushes cascading down the page.

Layout # 5
posted in the gallery March 7
Selected by Susie (Pachimac)

Close Family by bcazzel

This wonderful page gave me a feeling of home – of the enduring nature of family. The extraction of the family is amazing, and I love how she placed it on top of the frame and used another frame for her journaling! The background is perfectly vintage and I think the splash of color with the heart is a perfect touch!! Finally, the little house in the corner really drives “home” the point of the page!

I really enjoyed bringing these 5 pages to you! As always, if you see your page here, you are entered to a drawing for a gift certificate to the store!! If you have a few minutes, give these ladies some love too!!! You can click on the name or the image to bring you to the gallery! See you next Friday and as always, may your life be filled with color.


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