
Posts in the Blog Category

I’m On My Way!!!!


Hello everyone!!! I am sure you are all busy getting ready for Thanksgiving! I’m doing the same but in addition, I am feverishly working on my list for the “12 Days of Christmas” ! I’m tellin’ ya – we have some fun games, challenges, and prizes for everyone who plays!!! Don’t forget – December 1…

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Art Journaling ~ Let’s Dive into Form


Hello friends!!! I hope today finds you healthy and happy and having some good scrapping time! We have worked through a few design principles in the past few weeks. We talked about lines, shapes, color, and value. We also reviewed the principles of Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity and how they relate to the four…

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Buddy the ElfBlog

It’s me – Buddy The Elf! I just thought I’d pop in again to remind you to Save The Date! Our big 12 Days of December starts on December 1st. You know I’ll be showing up where you least expect me, and I just might be handing out a prize or two or three. Hehehe…

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Coming Soon!


The 12 Days of December starts on December 1st at Oscraps! Be sure to “Save These Dates” so you don’t miss out on any of the fun! We’ll see you on December 1st!

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Color Play Wednesday

CherylBlog, Color Play

Welcome to Color Play Wednesday! In case you’ve just joined us, let me refresh you with the palette that our wonderful Oscrap’s designers worked from this month to bring you our fabulous October Color Play. Our first featured kit for this week is Autumn Wings by Vicki Stegall. This delightful ATC (Artist’s Trading Card) Brave…

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Art Journaling ~ Let’s Talk About Value

SusiePArt Journal & Hybrid, Blog, Challenges

So far, we have talked about lines, shapes, color, and the design principle of C.R.A.P. – or Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity. We are now going to dive deeper into color principles, and more specifically the concept of Value. Simply put, value describes the lightness or the darkness of a color. Even if you only…

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