Art Journaling ~ Where is Your Courage?

What does courage mean? Courage is the quality of being ready and willing to face negative situations involving danger or pain. A close synonym is bravery. Showing courage is often thought of as facing such situations without fear, but it also involves facing them despite fear.
Some common synonyms of courage are mettle, resolution, spirit, and tenacity. While all these words mean “mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship,” courage implies firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty.
Courage involves taking action in spite of the fear you feel. It is the willingness to respond even when you have feelings of anxiety and worry. So, never beat yourself up or assume you are not courageous if you feel fearful. To be courageous means that you are able to act even when fearful.
This is the mood board for the week’s challenge:

Here is the example page:

And here are some of the entries. You can click on them to go to the galleries that they are posted in.

Please come join us!! You don’t have to be perfect – you just have to put something down on digital paper that has inspired you!!