
Art Journaling ~ What is Your Focus?


Hello Artsy friends!!! It’s a new month, and a new topic over at the Art Journaling Challenges at oScraps!! Our theme is “FOCUS”!

Sonja describes it here for our first week:

Our word prompt for this month is FOCUS. “Focus” can be understood as a state of mental clarity and directed intention. It involves:

– concentration: The ability to direct all of your mental energy towards a single task, idea, or goal, blocking out distractions.
– Presence: Being fully engaged in the present moment, without your mind wandering to other thoughts, worries, or distractions.
– Purpose: A deeper sense of focus is often tied to a sense of purpose or meaning. When someone is truly focused, it often means they are aligned with something that is deeply important to them, whether it’s a goal, a value, or a passion.

Focus can also relate to mindfulness and awareness, where being focused means having a clear, calm, and centered mind. It is about tuning into the present moment, being aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, and environment, and not letting the mind be scattered or preoccupied by unnecessary distractions.

This is her example page:

This theme is only a few days old, but we already have some pages trickling in! Of the ones I have – here is the random draw to “FOCUS” on…get it? Focus? Our Theme? Ok, shush, Susie! LOL

Isn’t this page by Amanda STUNNING??


LDavison Painter’s Fairies, Prince of the City
Viva Rugged mask
LGrieveson My New Life
SBasic Makers
AI generated image (Van Gogh)

I hope that you all join us and play!! Remember – there is no right or wrong – only if you don’t attempt it!!!

See you at the “O”!

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