
Art Journaling ~ Keep in Focus


This week, I want to focus on more of the life lessons and choices. We live our lives with so much noise around that sometimes it’s very hard to be present to the moment. Webster’s Dictionary defines Focus as such: 1. : to concentrate attention or effort. focus on the most pressing needs. 2. : to adjust one’s eye or a camera to a particular range.

This week I want us to focus on the places in our lives that we have made a focus, or that we need to make a focus, or what we are trying to take our focus FROM, and bring it to a new place of comfort and positivity! Many years ago, my brother shared with me a book that really changed his life called “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. One of the ways the author teaches one to be in “The NOW’ is this:

This is how you can practice The Power Of Now:

  1. Take a few conscious breaths. In and out.
  2. Try to feel your hands. Feel the energy within them.
  3. Try to feel your whole body. …
  4. Try to listen to the silence around you. …
  5. Accept everything as it is now. …
  6. Try to observe your own mind.

Try that out and see what your mind tells you that you need to focus your page on!

Some Quotes:
When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance. 

Joel Osteen

Choose to focus your time, energy and conversation around people who inspire you, support you and help you to grow you into your happiest, strongest, wisest self
Karen Salmansohn

Focus on what lights a fire inside of you and use that passion to fill a white space. Don’t be afraid of the challenges, the missteps, and the setbacks along the way. What matters is that you keep going.
Kendra Scott

Every day is a gift from God. Learn to focus on the Giver and enjoy the gift!
Joyce Meyer

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.
Eckhart Tolle

Here is my page:

Week 3 – Focus

And a random draw:

Abstract Nature by Kay

Come join us!!

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