Art Journaling ~ I’m So Proud of You!!

As I said in the title, I am so proud of you Art Journaling Queens!!! When we first started the AJ challenges, we didn’t have very many people joining in on the challenges, but slowly and surely we started to pick up. I remember how excited I was to post the first week challenge and I was so excited to come on every day and see who posted and what they created. I was so happy when someone posted!! This was about 2.5 years ago ( I think ) and it’s gotten so much more popular and more people are joining in every day.
It is so gratifying to see the growth through these AJ Challenges!! I remember more than a few people sharing that they were afraid to try, or that they just didn’t know how to do AJ, or they felt they weren’t good enough. Heck, when I posted one of the first AJ challenges, someone PM’d me and told me my page wasn’t AJ and that one of the reasons some people aren’t joining in is because they weren’t “AJ”. That really stung, but I chose to take it as a challenge for me to research and make our AJ challenges better, and to make my pages more traditionally AJ. I have never forgotten that comment, and I vowed from that day forward to be ONLY a source of encouragement and help!
The team is constantly happy and amazed at the growth and the journey you are all taking with us! From the first tentative posts of “It’s not really AJ” or “Mine’s not very good”, we vowed to encourage anyone who wanted to try, whether they were traditionally AJ or not, to aim them towards being confident in getting their feelings down in an artsy form. I think there has been great success in these challenges, and I am gratified to see when people excitedly post that they have been waiting for the next challenge to drop!!
This month’s challenge theme is “Perspective”, and I’m loving seeing the pages you are sharing!! Here is the intro and one of the randomly chosen pages for the third week Challenge posted by Cheryl.
“Welcome to Week 3 of our March Art Journaling Challenges. This month, we’re exploring the very interesting word prompt PERSPECTIVE. So, what does the word PERSPECTIVE really mean?
perspective /pər-spĕk′tĭv/
- A view or vista.
- A mental view or outlook.
- The appearance of objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision.
Here are some quotes that I particularly liked:
* “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth“
Marcus Aurelius
* “Where you stand determines what you see and what you do not see; it determines also the angle you see it from; a change in where you stand changes everything”. Steve de Shazer
* It’s this perspective of us as humans to look at our world through the lens of ‘normal’ [that] is one of the forces that stops us developing real solutions”.Justin Hall
* “Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing”. Camille Pissarro
* “What we see depends mainly on what we look for”. John Lubbock
Her page: (Linked to the gallery)

And our randomly chosen page by Char8182 (linked to gallery)

If you can carve out a few moments, take a scroll through the AJ Challenge posts and see the wonderful pages you are all showing, and leave some love on the layouts!
Remember – each month a winner is chosen randomly for a gift certificate to the oScraps store!!!