
Art Journaling ~ Did You Find Some Serenity?


I love the fact that so many of you are jumping in and doing the Art Journaling Challenges over at the “O”. It’s so exciting to see the threads fill up with your pages!!! We are really inspired by the pages you make, and are so grateful for your participation!! We have a fun topic again this month, so it should be another wonderful month of learning, growing, and scrapping!!

Just one little housekeeping comment: There was a small discussion about a member wondering if there was a schedule of posting the new challenges because it seemed sorta random to her. We do have a rhyme and a reason and it’s simple: We want to keep our four weeks within the month, so we do it by the date, not the day. So, the first week is typically Day 1 -7, then 8-14, 15-21, 22-28. We add a day to the first two weeks if it’s a 30 day month, and a day to the first three weeks if it’s a 31 day month. SOOOO, that’s our schedule. For next month it will be this:

September 1 -8 Week 1
September 9 – 16 Week 2
September 17 – 23 Week 3
September 24 – 30 Week 4

I hope that clears things up for ya’ll! If one person is wondering, then there were probably others wondering but not saying anything!

Week 4 of our journey through “SERENITY” is posted and getting many fabulous layouts. I choose one each week with a randomizer because I just can’t choose between them!!!

Chris writes: For this week’s challenge, consider the ways you find balance and serenity. Take some time to let these thoughts resonate in your heart and mind. When you feel ready, create a scrapbook page about it!

For me, serenity comes when I’m in nature. Being outside, taking a few deep breaths, seeing the blue sky and green grass—these things help me tap into that energy. Combining this with a hike, where I’m surrounded by more of nature, truly brings me to a place of serenity.

Here is her page: (image linked)

(Credits are in the gallery)

And our random layout chosen is…AK Tracy!

(Credits in Gallery – image linked)

I hope you have enjoyed the month of SERENITY, and next month is coming really soon!!! Can’t wait to share our next month’s theme!

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