
Art Journaling ~ Are You Connected?


Hello fellow Digi-Lovers!!! How is your Summer going so far? Mine is just HOT. I live in the desert, so it’s really really hot during the summer, and it’s not my favorite time of the year. I just don’t “connect” with scorching hot weather.

Connections are so important in our lives as humans. We crave connection with people, nature, our spiritual self, and animals as well. We were made for connection. There are so many ways to interpret this word, and I was really enjoying seeing what connections people made for themselves in this monthly challenge. Here are few of the pages that were made this month:

This one from the first week really caught my eye and I loved how she tied connection into puzzle pieces! (Image is linked)

This one from week 2 really touched me. True long lasting love is so rare in our society today, and the hands picture just made me tear up for the beauty of it, and for the badge of “faith” that I know we need to keep our marriage strong!

Week 3 brought us more amazing pages!

This is breathtakingly beautiful!!! I love the photo on the bottom, and of course, she got me with the butterflies!! I can’t wait to see the finished product!!

And we are now on week 4!! You still have time to do the challenges, and one lucky additional winner will get a coupons from Joyful Heart Designs!!!B

For this week, let’s think about a moment in your life when you made a connection and had an A-ha! Moment or a Eureka Moment. Maybe it was something small like meeting someone from your childhood and remembering how they fit into your past. Maybe it’s something life-changing like Sir Isaac Newton, apples, and gravity.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The eureka effect (also known as the Aha! moment or eureka moment) refers to the common human experience of suddenly understanding a previously incomprehensible problem or concept. Some research describes the Aha! effect (also known as insight or epiphany) as a memory advantage,[1][2] but conflicting results exist as to where exactly it occurs in the brain, and it is difficult to predict under what circumstances one can predict an Aha! moment.

Here is Chris’s example page!

Isn’t this a fantastic page? I love the woman in the box, and the word art. I adore the texture of the background too!!!

That’s it for this week – come join us!!

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